Chapter 1

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"Lily, sweetie it's time to wake up" My aunt Petunia said as she shook me awake. Aunt Tuni always seemed to like me better than Harry for some reason. I think it's because she feels sad about mom or maybe because I'm mute. Yeah, instead of a scar, I have no voice, but I don't let that keep me down. I got up and got dressed, then I went downstairs for breakfast. It seemed that Dudley had just come down since Harry was getting out of the cupboard. I wish they would just have Harry and I share a room. That way he would have an actual room, and I wouldn't have to stumble down the stairs when I have nightmares.I hugged him and we smiled at each other. "Good morning to you too, Lily" he said. " Well, I better get in there before they start yelling at me..." I gave him a sad smile as we walked into the kitchen/dining room.

I walked in to see Dudley complaining that his mountain of presents wasn't enough, and Aunt Tuni and Uncle Vernon were trying to reassure him that that wasn't all of them. I rolled my eyes at his whining because it happens all the time. I then decided to help Harry make plates for the Dursleys.


  After walking around, we finally got to the reptile house and I immediately went to look at the pythons. I had always felt a kinship with snakes. *flashback* When I was 3, Aunt Tuni was planting flowers in the garden and there was a snake slithering towards me, it started going up my arm and it started rubbing its head against my cheek. Any time Auntie tried to pick me up, it would hiss. Strange enough, I had heard what it said to her. "Do not harm her, human!" I soon grabbed the snake's head and petted it, thinking"it's ok, she isn't gonna hurt me" *flashback over*
After I stopped daydreaming, I saw Dudley yelling at the snake to move and Uncle Vernon knocking on the glass. Dudley soon got bored and left to go bother another animal from its sleep. Harry and I stayed behind and apologized for Dudley's actions. The snake then lifted its head and winked as if it could hear us. "Wait.. can you hear me," Harry asked and the snake nodded. Harry started asking the snake questions until Dudley came barreling over and knocked us to the ground. We both glared at him as he practically smushed his face up against the glass until the glass magically disappeared and he fell into the enclosure. Harry and I laughed silently until the snake slithered out of the tank and towards us. "Thanks," said the snake, and Harry responded," any time,"as I nodded. It went out the door on its merry way. Dudley started to try and get out, but he couldn't as the glass had returned. As Aunt Tuni and Dudley panicked over how he got in there, and we we're laughing again,but as soon as I saw Vernon with a scowl on his face, I stopped and started helping Harry up.


As we went inside, Vernon was pulling Harry by his ear and yelling at him. I ran and hid behind Auntie because I think Vernon is kinda scary when he's mad. He kinda hates me, but I don't know why. After a while, I went to the cupboard and hugged Harry. He always comforted me when I was scared.
Later that night I went to sleep, worrying about the days to come.

Harry potters twin sister (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon