New Family, New Scar

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"Yeah they did, Kia'ra you're bleeding" she said looking at the blood all over me

"Most of it isn't mine" I said turning to Tulu feeling her head with my free hand

"Kia'ra what happened" she said again sounding a bit angry

"A sky person caught me off guard and shot me, i'll be fine" I said turning around facing them all

"No you wont lets get you to mother" she said putting her arm around me and putting my free arm on her shoulder

"Kiara you'll have to walk"

"I'll carry her" said a the boy who smiled at me earlier

He then picked me up like I was a leaf. I caught Tisreya smiling at me.

"You guys stay here well come back" said Tisreya to Aonung as she ran to catch up with me and the boy

"This might sound rude but what's your name" I said to the boy as Tisreya ran up to us

"Its Neteyam" he said smiling at me

"Kia'ra" I said smiling at him

"Shit Mother and father are out" said Tisreya walking into our hut

"My mother can help" said Neteyam

"Okay let's go" she said coming out of our Hut

When we got to Neteyams hut I saw a woman and a man, they must be his parents.

"Neteyam what happened" said the woman as the man looked up

"I'm so sorry mother and father are out and she got shot" said Tisreya

"Oh Neteyam put her here" she said as she walked over to us

"What on pandora happened" she said looking at the bullet wound

"One of the sky people caught me off guard" I said as the man stood up immediately

"Sky people?" he sad sounding angry and concerned

"Yeah they hunt tukun" I said as the woman started trying to get the bullet out

"They are here?!" he said shocked a

"Well not anymore i killed them just one didn't die and managed to shoot me but Tulu took care of him" I said as the woman pulled the bullet out as I winced and grabbed the thing closest to me which was a hand 

"Wait who is Tulu" asked Neteyam and I turned to him realizing I was holding his hand

"My SkimWing, or warriors mount" I said looking at the hole in my stomach while letting go of his hand

"Isint that like the hardest animal to bond with here" he said sounding concerned and shocked

"Well she came to me" I said as the woman put some weird stuff on my wound

"How long has the hunting been going on" asked the man

"A while maybe about 2 years" I said looking over to him

"Okay why did you go by yourself" asked the man

"I usually go by myself it's easier only having me and Tulu instead of having other warriors with us, unless there's more than one they come but otherwise i go by myself" i said as the woman wrapped my wound

Just then mother and father came into the hut.

"Kia'ra what in the world" said my father

"In my defense it thought the person was dead" I said looking at him

"We talked about this Kia'ra, you have to be more careful" said my mother

"How did you find me anyways"

"You brother told us when we got back"

"That snitch, i was gonna tell you later" I said sitting up

"Hey you're brother was looking out for you" said my father giving me the side eye

"Yeah yeah" I said standing up "thank you..." looking at the lady as if asking for her name 

"Neytiri" she said

"Thank you Neytiri" I said

"Come" said my mother to me

"Thank you" said my father

Neteyam POV

"Well that was interesting" said mum

"Yeah" I said as I watched kia'ra walk out with her mother and father

"I forgot to ask her why she's here, she's forest" said dad

"I'll ask her tomorrow" I said

"Neteyam why did you carry her" asked mum

"Well she was injured and could not walk on her own so i carried her" I said looking towards my mother

Kia'ra POV

I walked back as my mother and father gave me a lecture and Tisreya just laughed I gave her the side eye. When we got back to the tent my brother and his friend were there.

"You snitch i was gonna tell them later" I sad walking up to Aonung

"Come on you never would have" he said standing

"Bitch" I said walking past him

"Kia'ra" said my mother

"Sorry mother" I said walking into my part of the tent

I was so tired I fell asleep almost immediately.

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