She smiled softly, addressing her late brother, "Hello, brother."

Tears welled in Genevieve's eyes as she spoke, "It's been a confusing day. I suppose you already know what I'm going to say... I... I killed someone today. More specifically, Dolores." She bit her lip, struggling to hold back tears. "If it weren't for our father... that wretched man... you'd still be here with me. I guess you were always afraid that I would lean into my chaotic madness and do something like this. Hmm?"

"That explains all the 'Tone it down, that's not good' stuff. Loving me in shape, I suppose, was the plan," she scoffed bitterly.

"I... I believed everything you said because I loved you... I'm... sorry." Genevieve's voice trembled as she wiped her tears, clearing her throat before continuing.

"But the thing is... in that moment, I didn't regret it. I guess you and Newt would really hate me after this, huh? Not that I wouldn't agree... I would hate myself too," she admitted with a sad smile.

"I'm not you... you were so sweet and kind. I guess I always saw that in Newt... I'm not all that... You were so bright that the world just crushed your light, eh?"

" I guess Dolores was always right, I am over the bend, entirely bonkers but Henry never realized that I was born brilliant  born bad and a little bit, Well mad," Genevieve chuckled bitterly.

"Anyway, this won't be the last time I see you, or by the end of it, I'll possibly meet you. So must dash, Much to avenge revenge and destroy" she said, knowing there would be no reply.

"But I do love you. Always" She said sadly as she turned around, Genevieve was shocked to see Newt sitting under the tree next to her real mother's grave. "Newt... What are you doing here?"

"Thought I might find you here," Newt said, patting the seat next to him. Genevieve hesitated before sighing and taking a seat beside him.

"How long have you been here?" she asked nervously.

"A fair amount of time," Newt replied, looking down and idly playing with a rock in his hand.

After a few moments of silence, Genevieve began with a heavy sigh, "I've been rather distraught. I'm sorry."

"Why did you do it?" Newt whispered gently.

"I never explained to you how my brother died, did I?" Genevieve asked, and Newt shook his head.

"I see," Genevieve acknowledged, and an awkward silence fell between them, something rare for their interactions. She continued, "My birth mother passed away while giving birth to me. Since then, I've had only Damian. Despite him being one of those pesky Gryffindors, I used to look up to him a lot," she added with a light chuckle.

"After our mother's death, my father grew distant. We became mere pawns for his wealth. But Damian never quite grasped that. He was too innocent for his own good. Dolores planted the idea in my father's mind to coerce Damian into becoming one of Grindelwald's followers. When Damian refused and threatened to report them to the Ministry, they considered eliminating him. Being an Auror, it was natural for him to be sent on a mission. When he returned, he was severely injured, beyond saving... Henry did nothing. He let Damian perish to avoid a reduction in their income as Aurors!" Genevieve explained, tears streaming down her face. She wiped her eyes and stood up.

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