𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙩𝙬𝙤. former trainees

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"Ngh, it's the middle of the night" Y/N groaned then turned her back and covered her ears with her pillow.

"But Y/N"

"What is it, Satoru?" She asked in an exhausted and a little annoyed tone, still closing her eyes.

"Where's Haru?"

"He's in Mama's room, why?" She was starting to lose her patience, she just badly want to sleep in peace after a very long day.

"Thank goodness" he said.

Y/N opened her eyes and turned to look at him. "Why are you asking?" She questioned, her voice still tired and sleepy.

"Y/N, are you pregnant?" He suddenly touched her belly which made her automatically slap his hand and now made her awake.

"Satoru, have you gone crazy?"

"I'm just asking"

"Nothing happened between us!"

"I just had a nightmare"

Y/N suddenly calmed down and looked at him with concern. "What?"

"I had a nightmare" he started. "I thought I'd lose you and Haru, and you were also pregnant"

Y/N sighed and closed her eyes once again, she is still overfatigued.

"Satoru, nothing bad will happen" she said and yawned.

"You were never a worrier, why are you so worried now?" she added.

"I was not" he replied, looking at her while she closed her eyes. Y/N just hummed in response.

"But ever since I knew I had a family, it changed" he said.

"Everything has been different since I had you and Haru" he added. "It's just so—" he paused when he heard faint snoring.

Y/N just fell asleep again. But instead of being annoyed, like he usually would when he was younger, he just smiled and caressed her face.

"You must really be tired from work today" he mutters. "You had to take care of Papa, too" he said, recalling how his father-in-law suddenly had a high-blood pressure earlier.

Gojo let out a sigh and went back to lying down and stared at the ceiling.

'This love thingy is crazy'


Gojo remembered some earlier events in his life, like when he was a child until he was a teenager, however he still couldn't seem to remember all the things after he entered the military. All he knows is just that when his parents died, he never wanted to stay under his relatives' care and has nowhere to go and decided to sign up in the military so he could be free from his relatives.

'Maybe I'll remember everything when we go there' he thought, pertaining to the place where he first met Y/N.

But his thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he heard a knock at the main door. He was alone in their house today, Y/N took Haru to school, his parents-in-law were out to settle things about one of their properties,  while he overslept, making him not able to go to work.

"Who would it be?" He asked himself, clearly it's not Y/N because it's work hours, his parents-in-law just left, and definitely his five-year-old son would never go home alone. Nobody's expecting a delivery either, so why would someone knock at their door?

remember. 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 ✓Where stories live. Discover now