Yes! It's official!

Comincia dall'inizio

Marcus: lol ok

Me: I'll go to sleep now, see you tomorrow.😋

Marcus: Are you a baby?

Me: Huh?

Marcus: Your bed time's 8:pm?

Me: Yes, cuz I wake up in the middle of the night to study.

Marcus: Hm.. Makes sense.

Me: Yup, bye 😘

Marcus: 😐

Me: 😜

Then I turned off my phone, was it me or Marcus was different from what he originally looked like? He was always stone cold and only smiled when he won a trophy for the school but online, he was different- childish and playful.

  I smacked my cheeks, time to sleep! But damn bro, his 6-packs! I must tell Deb! (obviously) but not now. After reading in the midnight.

  I knew nothing about Marcus grades but I don't think it's that bad that he'll need a personal tutor. However, thank God for this opportunity to get closer to him!

  This tutoring session may also be the right time to impress him, while slowly making my crush for him clear. Hopefully, it won't end up like the last time I tried to confess to him.

  Oh, you don't know what happened? I'll tell you! Last month, our school won their first trophy of the year  and since I always get first row seat, I got a chance to take a photo with all team members, including Marcus. I smiled happily as I whipped up my phone selfie stand or whatever it's called, I told everyone to say cheese which they did and I took a picture. Marcus wanted to see what it looked like, so I moved closer to him and showed him the picture. I thought I should take a cue, so I stood on my tippy toes and whispered,

   "I like you Marcus, a lot."

I closed my eyes for few seconds and looked up, only to realize it wasn't Marcus standing next to me but Alan,

  "Where's Marcus?" I asked Alan, trying to stop myself from clenching my fist,

 "He left with Cartina while you were showing him the pic," Alan snatched my phone and looked at the picture, "why? You like Marcus?"

  "Everyone does." I exhaled, retrieving my phone.

"Yup, everyone does." he agreed, "but if you want to confess, try something rarer like stalking him and popping up when he's taking a huge dump in the toilet and confess!"

   "So, he'd think I'm a freaking stalker with weird taste? And, no one said anyone is confessing!" I remember slapping my forehead and asking myself why this dude was so weird, little did I know he'd end up as my best friend's crush/boyfriend.

   "Your feelings are all over your face," he laughed, then walked off with the rest of the teammates.

 I tossed in my bed, remembering that day made me jealous and angry at the same time,

    My mom gently opened the door to my room and I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. She was still in her heels, I immediately deduced from the sound of her heel hitting the floor, she reached my bed and placed the blanket over me. She bent down and gave me a kiss on my forehead,

   "Good night sweetie." 

Then she silently left the room.

   I love good night kisses (especially from my mom). Will this all change if my mom follows her heart? What if she and Mr Steve gets married and I become a stepsister? Would she give me good night kisses or forget about me to take care of my younger sis? Maybe I'm just overthinking it. 

   I sighed as I tossed, holding the blanket tightly, then placing it over my head to let the darkness submerge me. (the lights were on lol, i sleep with lights on, even when my dad used to say i was wasting electricity)

    There's not much to know my dad, only that he was a dude with a double life. In terms of parenting, he was actually better than my mom but I changed this truth when I figured out his 'late pool classes' wasn't billiards but to have fun with his wife and kids at the swimming pool.

    Dad, if you're reading this, I hate you! (even though I know you won't even read this, you'll be too busy with Amelia, wouldn't you?)

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