"Okay, you're done." Erin half smiled and I looked into the mirror.
"Looks great! Thanks, you're the best!" I smiled at her but she didn't return it. Instead, she just gave me a look.

I brushed it off and left the trailer with Milo.

"Do you know why Erin was so cold to me? Did I do anything?" Milo asked me as we walked around set.
"Nope, I'm not sure what's up with her. She changed in like seconds." I shrugged.
"Hm... weird..."

We both walked to the table where Iain, Raegan, Montana and McKenna were sitting.

"Hey guys!" Milo and I said, joining the group.
"Hey! You two just joined in the perfect moment." McKenna said. "We've been planning a sleepover at my place. My parents are out of town this weekend and since we're not shooting there, I thought we all could sleep at mine. And don't worry, my parents approved."

"Sounds good! I'm in." I smiled at McKenna.
"Yeah, me too!" Milo added.

We all sat together, planning the sleepover at McKenna's until we had to start shooting the next scenes.


Milo and I prepared for our next scene to be filmed.
The director gave us some instructions and went back behind the camera.
"And... 1... 2... 3... Action!"

*Stella and Francis are walking home from school and talk with each other.*

So, you and Georgie really dated and then you remained on being friends? That's the weirdest story ever.

Yes, it sounds weird. I mean he got another girl pregnant... but it's the best for our families... we don't want to tear anything apart just because we dated.

That's... nice. I mean for your families of course.

*Stella gives Francis a sympathetic look and smiles at him.*

Uhm... so you're not dating anybody right now?


Good... I just wanted to make sure... uh... that there would be... no jealousy or something from your partner but since you don't have one, there's nothing to be worried about.

*They walk past the Cooper's house and see Georgie.*

Hey, Georgie!

Hey y'all. Uh... Stella, you coming over later?

*Stella nods and smiles*

Okay then... See ya later.

*Stella and Francis continue walking home.*

It's pretty cool that you guys are still very good friends. I'm really impressed!

*Stella chuckles softly and smiles at Francis.*

Yeah, I guess not everyone can do that. But we've been friends since forever. We grew up together and all that stuff, so I think that's the reason why everything's good between us.

But like... weren't you sad when you broke up or when you found out he knocked up that girl?

Of course I was sad but after some time it got better. Sounds stupid but I'm also happy that we remained being friends. I mean, it's Georgie Cooper that we're talking about.

*Both of them start to laugh a bit. They arrived in front of Stella's house.*

I'm bringing you to your door.

Well, that's very nice of you!

*Both of them stand in front of her door.*

Thank you, Fran.

Always a pleasure to do that.

*Francis smiles at Stella and they both hold eye contact. Francis comes closer to Stella and places his hands on her hips. She looks him deep in the eyes. They almost kiss but Stella decides to place a kiss on Francis' cheek*

I'll see you?

Yeah... good bye, later.

*Francis leaves and goes to his house*

"And cut! Great work, thank you!


Milo and I were sitting in front of his trailer. Both of us already got out of our costumes and were dressed in comfortable clothes.

"Ugh, this day was exhausting!" I complained as Milo put his arm around me.
"Yeah, it really was... but it's just tomorrow and the day after... then we'll have the weekend free and will be sleeping at McKenna's and will have lots of fun!" He reassured me and I smiled while cuddling onto him.

"You're right. Plus, we don't have big scenes to shoot the next two days, so we'll have a lot of free time!"

"And that means that we can spend a lot of time with each other then." Milo said as he placed a kiss on my head.

"I have a surprise for you but I'll show it to you tomorrow." He told me and I frowned.

"Why not now? You know I'm not a big fan of surprises..."

"You know I just love to tease you! But I can't show it today..."

"Tell me... please!"


"Yes, pleaseeeee..."



"Stop with your puppy dog eyes. It won't work."


"Okay fine, I'll bring Louie to set tomorrow."

"Oh! That's so great! I love you so much... I'll see my baby Lou tomorrow!" I jumped up in joy and hugged Milo tightly, not having realized what I said.


Hope y'all like the chapter. I'm really tired rn so I'm apologizing for any mistakes that I may made while writing this one😭😭

But Milo and Cecelia are getting closer and closerr👀

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