Chapter 4: It Takes Two

Start from the beginning

"No, no, no, wait. There's no way Viva's gonna let her go." Clay said, stopping Branch from getting Poppy

"What? W-What are you talking about?" Branch asked

"Like we said, she's got some stuff going on, man. If we don't wanna get trapped, we should sneak out, now."

"I'll wait for you guys outside with Rhonda." Hya said and rushed out the gate to go to Rhonda

Suddenly, the gates closed and Rhonda was still outside

"Wait... wait, wait, wait!" Hya rushed back as soon as she saw the gate closing, but it closed out on her

"Agh, damn it. Guys!" She tried calling out to everyone else but no response

She sighs before looking at Rhonda

"Aight... if Viva won't let them out, then I'll go to Mount Rageous myself." She said to herself

"Rhonda... is there any way for me to get to Mount Rageous?" She asked

Suddenly, Rhonda spat out a... motorbike?!

"Woah... I didn't know my sweet JD kept a motorbike. Genuis. Thanks, Rhonda."

"Why don't you wait for the others and stay here?"

Rhonda purrs and roars before she hopped onto the motorbike and went on her way to Mount Rageous by herself...

Meanwhile with the others, they were still inside the golf course when Hya already went to Mount Rageous by herself...

"Oh, hey..." Clay said and laughs nervously

"Viva, what's up, girl?"

"Viva! What are you doing?" Poppy appeared out of nowhere as she spoke

"You're not leaving here no matter what, because-- because it's just not safe out there. You're welcome." Viva said

"Wait, is this about the Bergens? Because they stopped trying to eat us, that's all in the past." Poppy reassured her

"Yeah, right. That's hilarious, Poppy. I'm laughing really hard right now." Viva said sarcastically

"I'm serious, Viva. Bridget, my best friend that I was telling you, she's a Bergen. Look." Poppy said as she showed her scrapbook of her and Bridget

"Bridget and I do a million fun things together. We talk and we play games and we sing songs. And make up these really bad dances. It's a lot like--well, actually, it's a lot like what you and I have been doing. The world's a lot different than it used to be." Poppy explains, trying to reassure Viva

"Viva, look. I used to be just like you. I built a bunker and I lived in it for years because I knew it was safe. And, sure, it kept me alive. And I never had to wear pants. But I was living without a pants. Does that makes sense?" Branch said

"Well, I feel judged." Tiny Diamond said

"You don't understand. I just got my sister back. I'm not gonna lose you. For anything." Viva said, still a little bit paranoid about what happened 20 years ago

Suddenly, Clay opens the gate back, which shocked Viva


"I'm sorry, Viva, but we have to leave. I don't wanna lose my brother either. Besides, my brother's important to my mother too." Clay said

This hit Viva hard in her heart

"Let's move!" Clay said and everyone leaves, except Viva who was just standing there, terrified

"No. No, Poppy, wait!"

Viva was about to catch up to Poppy, but she stopped as she was too afraid to leave the golf course

"Poppy! Please! I want you to stay!" Viva begged

"Viva, I can't do that. But you can come with us. And I know you think it's risky, and maybe it is, but it'll be worth it. Family's always worth it." Poppy said as she held out her hand to her older sister with a reassuring smile, wanting to let her know that it's going to be all right

"...No, no, no, I--... I can't." Viva rejected it out of fear and sadness before handing the scrapbook back to Poppy and back away from the gate as the gate closes on them

This saddened Poppy that she heard Viva didn't want to come with her, so she put the scrapbook on the gate, while Branch approached her and put his hands on her shoulder

They smiled at each other before they went to Rhonda and ready to continue their journey to Mount Rageous to save Floyd...



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(1233 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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