Chapter 15: Sister-In-Law

Start from the beginning

Penelope Silverthorn did attempt to re-enter the Aranshire home with Sebastian Sallow one night during a quest mission in 1892, but the owner wasn't very fond of his space and it was a saddening failure.

"Yes," Anne said happily, "My brother gathered enough money to bribe the previous owner to land it back. It was a hard move, but we won." She informed.

Penelope didn't want to think about how much money was put in to make that grumpy owner leave this place. He was very secure over the home that didn't belong to him, so it might've predictably been a lot.

"The cellar..." Anne rubbed her own shoulders nervously, looking down as she spoke, "The cellar is still forbidden from entering. Not that anything is wrong with it, but me and Seb decided it's best not to go down there until we are ready." She said nervously.

Penelope gave a nod, not wanting to intervene or ask anything regarding the traumatic event beyond that cellar.

Instead, Penelope began to walk around the home slowly, keeping her balance and distracting herself from the fact that although she drank a few vials to feel better, she felt off.

The portraits over the walls were hung nicely, varying different styles and eras as Penelope would squint and read through each one. Some contain regular paintings of nature or cute animals, but some contain the Sallows themselves.

Penelope found herself drawn to a particular portrait of the Sallow family. Sebastian and Anne were children dressed in their finest suits and dresses; Sebastian looked so happy and innocent.

A stark contrast to Sebastian Sallow's current demeanor now, Penelope thought.

Penelope knew the Sallow parents were young. Way too young. You could see in the portraits how Samuel and Anna Sallow looked like they were freshly out of Hogwarts.

"I made a spare stack of pancakes this morning," Anne's voice cut out Penelope's daze over the portraits, "I think it's only best you digest a bit of food in your stomach." She advised.

Penelope grew heat over her face by Anne's words. Anne didn't say anything, but it was obvious that whatever Penelope pulled last night must've been awful. Her stomach did feel empty, so she could recall vomiting at some point,

"I...yes, thank you, Anne." Penelope said in care, her arms crossed as she walked over to the kitchen counter.

Penelope Silverthorn sat in such a bad posture on that wooden stool minutes later. She tried her best to not be uncomfortable as she watched Anne Sallow be nice to her.

It was difficult to concentrate when you thought about the reality that Penelope was in the presence of the woman who probably knew the most out of everyone in Sebastian's situation.

Despite the awkwardness of sitting in that home as if disappearing for eight years was nothing, Penelope couldn't help, but notice the beauty of Anne Sallow.

Her long honey-brown hair waved around nicely; it had grown tremendously over the years. Her body moved freely as she paced around that kitchen with no pain. Anne Sallow was healthy.

If anything, to both of them that morning, Anne Sallow might've been the healthiest one compared to Penelope Silverthorn. (And her shit-show hangover).


Penelope Silverthorn's wand stood in a statue-like form over the weak aura of Anne Sallow. Both girls' bodies close to each other as the powerful form of magic disguised itself.

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