The acception

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I'm sitting at my desk drawing random sketches on my notebook smelling the Lasagna smell from the kitchen downstairs.

When I hear the email noise coming from the Laptop I got for my 13th birthday but rarely use. When I opened the email I screamed out „MOM".

In the count of 20 seconds she ran upstairs she stood in front of me with an impression of panic on her face. I read out loud „ You Isabelle Diana White are being accepted to Greengrass school"

The face of my mom got a wave of relieve and we started jumping up and down around the room, tears welling up in her eyes.

I've dreamt of this moment since I watched the Harry Potter series (aka my favorite movie) for the first time and I wanted to go to school in an old castle ever since.

The oven timer goes off and me and mom go downstairs and put the Lasagna on two vintage looking plates.

We go out to the garden and sit in the couch and start eating.

My moms phone starts ringing and it's just my dad telling us that he's doing a night shift in the small hospital in the middle of our small town. They have a lack of workers because a group of their workers got fired because they made out with their patients. So most times my dad takes a night shift for the workers that call in sick.

I'm already used to it because this happens at least every three days. So I just continue eating in peace.

I look at her when I hear silent sobs coming from her direction. She starts talking: „ You are just growing up so fast, it feels like just a year ago you were turning 10 and now it's only one week till you go to Greengrass school and turn 17 in 45 days."

We continue to talk about the past and future until it's pitch black outside.

Thanks for reading

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