ch. 5

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* Flashback *

"No means no mom i am not going to marry that boy " An enraged ishan said to his mother who looked so done with his tantrums.

" Fine than don't marry him.. Forget about us you are not our son anymore " Mrs. Kishan said with disappointment clear in her voice..

" Mom just for a marriage you are disowning me ! "... " Yess i am doing it "

Ishan stared at his mother in disbelief.. How can she do that ,, just because of some marriage proposal.

" It's not just a marriage proposal ishan.. It's GiLL'S marriage proposal.. Do you even know what position they hold in our country? " Mrs. Kishan said in annoyance sensing ishan's thoughts.. She was surprised herself to receive a proposal from gills for their son..

" I am capable of earning myself mom.. I don't need anyone to depend on in my life.. I earn enough to survive " Ishan said with pride dripping from his voice.. He was too high in himself and belived he himself was enough for him.

"I know that ishan.. Just because you got a high paying job.. Don't forget that the company you work in.. Your future husband can buy the whole company! "

" Whatt! " Ishan exclaimed in amusement.. They lived in Mumbai... Everything here has it's own price.. And buying a whole ass company in Mumbai is just a dream of people residing... But how come he never heard of the man.. Who is hella rich.

" Because he is kind and humble person.. Unlike you he believes in doing good deeds and not announcing it to the world.. He lives his life privately "


" No ishan.. Enough is enough we have had enough of your drama's.. If you don't agree to this marriage just keep in mind...we are not yours and you not ours anymore "

With that Mrs. Kishan made her way out of her younger son's room.

Ishan kishan currently 23 years old living in Mumbai.. He works in a big corporation and is a party animal.. For him his pride is everything.. Worked as a Professional for 2 years that made him realize that being independent in this time means achieving the world

" Being independent made my son a little to blind.. That in today's time he doesn't even ask for money from us from his own parents ... Because maybe according to him depending on someone is shameful "

His mother said but he always shrugged it off... His ideal type is rough and tough a boy who is tall and has tattos.. He die hard for those boys!!
He is the life of party's.. He had high expectations from his future husband/boyfriend





He doesn't want to marry at this age.. He has many things to achieve still in his life and don't wanna be committed to one person for the life time... Exploring boys and people is his weired kink and he doesn't like commitments.. But now looking at the condition of his mother and the indirect pressure from his family... He can't help but agree half - Heartedly

* ohh godd atleast make my husband attractive enough to make me like him* ishan prayed to god not knowing what his fate holds!.


Hope you all will love it..

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