Chapter Seven

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It was almost impossible to keep their hands off of each other as they entered the clinic on Monday morning. They were keeping their conversation focused on the article, hoping the rest of the staff wouldn't notice the extra skip in their step. No one seemed to, apart from Jess, who smirked at them like she thought they'd gotten up to more than just making out at the hotel. They made it into Holly's office and closed the door behind them, making sure no one had been hiding in the room prior to their entrance. When the coast was cleared, Will pulled the signature move that drove Holly wild: making out with her against her office wall.

Will reached over to lock the door, lest someone walk in on them getting hot and heavy. She knew this was less than professional, but she was so deep in the honeymoon phase that she didn't care as much as she should. It was actually Will who came back down to earth and put her down on the ground again. This elicited a whine from her mouth, surprising both of them.

"I know you've never had sex," he started, "but I can tell you're going to be very vocal."

"How do you know?!" she demanded, frowning while fixing her hair and makeup at her desk.

"You moan so much just when we're making out," he pointed out. "Imagine how you'll be when we have sex, based on how little pleasure making out really provides."

"Hmpf," she huffed, before looking down at the bulge in his pants and stifling a laugh. "You might want to do something about that before you go back out there. I have a patient in 15 minutes, do with that information what you'd like."

She pecked his lips quickly before leaving the room to freshen up in the toilet. She had to giggle at how she managed to fluster him so easily. They were only three days into this relationship, and they'd only been properly introduced not even two weeks ago. Some may have argued that it seemed rushed, but if the couple had had their way, they would have started going at it like rabbits the second they admitted their feelings for each other. In any case, they didn't feel anyone else really had a right to judge the speed of their relationship but themselves.

Holly re-entered her office to find Will cooled down from when she saw him five minutes ago. "So, after this patient, I don't have any more appointments today," she informed him. "We could probably do dress shopping then if you're up for it."

"Absolutely," he replied, giving his signature charming smile. "I'll call into my parents' place while you're in this session. They'll be thrilled that I'm bringing someone to the wedding."

"Well, I'll see you afterwards, then," she smiled. "Have fun."

They kissed deeply one last time before she ushered him out and called her patient in. She had gotten used to shoving away her out of office thoughts and feelings, so when she suddenly found her mind wandering toward thoughts of Will, she quickly brushed them away. It wasn't long before the hour was up and she got to leave her office. Not that she didn't enjoy helping people, she was just consumed by thoughts of this man who had been no one to her two weeks ago. She was intoxicated by everything about him and she just wanted to spend every waking minute of her days spending time with him.

Ten minutes passed of her sitting in the kitchen before Will finally came back, waving a shiny piece of plastic in his hand. Suddenly, Holly felt nauseous and anxious. That piece of plastic was a reminder that she'd be meeting his parents at the end of the week, and she wasn't sure she was ready for that. Ten years ago, before Brian died, she had always dreamed of meeting his parents. Now these were a very different set of circumstances and she wasn't feeling particularly as excited as she thought she'd be.

"Hey, are you okay?" Will asked her, concern etched on his face.

She shook her head. "Not here," was all she said before they walked out to his car together.

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