vi, in between.

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# 06, in between
( she loves how he talks late at night )
real life


KIMI COULD ONLY stare at the photo on his phone. He found the internet rather funny, or dare he say, dangerous. The fact that a bunch of strangers from possibly across the world knew who he was hanging out with before he did honestly amazed him.

He contemplated his decisions carefully. Since the boys had refused to pass him her number, he wanted to take matters into his own hands. Kimi analysis time, he thought, slightly laughing at the mention of the joke.

Well, there really only was two options. Either wait until the next morning and go to her house, or don't wait at all and go now. He had just dropped her off at home maybe two hours ago, and now it was ten pm. He wondered if she was asleep, although he doubted it, since his friends mentioned they'd just talked to her less than ten minutes ago.

He stood up from his bed, peeking out his bedroom window. He could see her house from his, since it was only a couple houses down. He saw the lights on, adding fuel to the fire. Ah, vivi soltanto una volta, he reasoned, putting on his shoes and a jacket before leaving his room.

Sneaking out the front door, he made sure to be as quiet as possible as to not wake up his family. He successfully made it out the front door, deciding to send his mama a text message so she wouldn't wake up afraid. The cold wind of the night hit his face as he sucked in the air, putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket, quickly walking over to the blonde's house.

LIANA PUT HER head in the palms of her hand, sighing in distress. She couldn't seem to make up her mind. One: she was happy she'd finally know who exactly this mysterious Italian boy was but two: why did he have to be a driver? Couldn't he have been, I don't know, a musician or something?, she internally cussed. Well, it runs in the genes, she joked lightly, but she couldn't bring herself to laugh.

To date or even like this boy would have gone against everything she stood for in herself. She didn't make herself many promises, but to not date a Formula driver was definitely one of them. Maybe the only one, and she found herself wanting to break it so badly.

Liana thought about it carefully. Her apparently, very present feelings for him seemed to take over her mind. She'd notice this change of behavior in her mind ever since she first saw him. All she could ever think about was him. She thought about him so much it frustrated her, and even urged her to pick up her guitar for the first time in a while.

She adjusted the instrument on her lap, tuning it to make sure it had the right sound. Liana hadn't an idea what melody she wanted or what lyrics, but she decided to improv it. She played simple chords on the strings, getting to the point where she was somewhere she liked.

When she was satisfied with the cords, she turned to her notebook and started to scribble some lyrics that had came to her mind when she played the guitar. She managed to finish a verse, playing it back over the guitar to make sure it fit.

She was about to start the next verse when she started to hear distant tapping sounds. Confused, she looked around her room, trying to figure out where the sound came from. Her eyes slowly drifted to her bedroom window, where she could see a pebble launching itself onto the glass frame. No doubt she was in shock, looking from beneath the protection of the transparent shield she spotted a familiar face.

Opening the window, she peeped her head out slightly. "You know you could've rung the doorbell like any other normal person, right?"

"Ah, but what fun is that?" he smiled. Oh that smile, she felt she could melt at the glance of it. "Can I come in?"

[ on hold ] BABE, kimi antonelliWhere stories live. Discover now