Indian kinks(bondage) pt 01

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Character description
(Vedu :- lean chubby with little fat at chest and ass area and thick thighs
Height of 5'9

Piyuu :- a little bulky and shady black skin colour with good physique and big boobs and ass height of 6'2)

A normal day in Indian couples as it gets different as the girlfriend find out about kinks (bondage , crossdressing, facesitting) .....story begins
As it was a normal sunny day and vedu and piyuu was sitting together watching reels as piyuu get's encountered with role reversal reels and as she finds something striking to it later that day she went on browser to search for that topic and as she was on the search she found so many ways to have a sex and roles can be reversed too if your dominant enough
Then she started to prepare herself for a specific night and while doing it she started giving vedu hints and as the day passed vedu was unaware of what's getting cooked in her girlfriend mind and one day she suddenly tells him to be ready for weekend and said vedu about we're going to do something different and without giving a thought vedu agreed to it and as the days passed it was the day before the main night while they were having lunch...
She finally asked vedu about Crossdressing *what are your thoughts on Crossdressing vedu she asked?? *
Vedu replied*umm! Idk why so sudden*
Piyuu asked again*tell me what do you think na ??*
Vedu said *idk I never tried and why would I ever think of that I'm straight...*
Piyuu said *you don't have to change your liking for being in crossdressing*

Vedu was shocked by seeing her response and didn't know what go reply

As he was processing she showed him some some pictures of dresses what type of dress would you like

He exclaimed*on whom he asked confusing*

She said *just tell me how does these sarees look !*

He said yeah it's fine it would look nice on you but it should be more tight around your body so I can see those curves *vedu smirks*

Ohh baby dw I'll wrap it tightly 😚

And gave vedu kiss on cheeks...

Vedu knew there was something suspicious going on but he didn't bother to check it out later that evening they went for little shopping

Why did you bring me here ?!
At tailor shop... Don't you by it from somewhere else vedu said

She replied it's not for me dumbass it's for you, your measurements are what we here for...

Vedu said why me I don't need new clothes last week we did go for shopping for me...

She smiled wickedly and said just stay and don't ask anything...

She was getting in her dominant role Litte by little...

Vedu stood there silent and his measures were taken as he noticed that piyuu said something tailor but ignore as it didn't matter to him much then the went for further shopping

They brought undergarments of his size and there size was almost same so vedu didn't thought any suspicious

Afterwords when they were heading home they were all drenched in sweat as they reached home a package were on there delivery box...

As piyuu picked it up quickly and said it's a surprise*it made metal sounds and there were number of things making sound in that *

Vedu made a guess but that and later that night while having dinner they had some conversation

Piyuu said*as it is weekend why don't we try something new I have something up my mind if you support me we can reach upto heavenly height?!*

Vedu was too bored of having normal sex so  agreed to her and asked further what are we going to do

She said no questions asked and you have to follow everything I say if you agree on that then I'll tell you the further plan...

Vedi said do I have any choice go on tell me what's on your mind..

She again warned hime that once you agree you cannot backdown if you do you'll face consequences

Vedu got little scared 😳
But with some hesitation he said yes too it

Before they were at bed she told him to remove your body hairs n get a clean shave I don't want any hairs on your body

Vedu hesitated but asked why what's the reason

As she said*didn't I tell you at table no questions asked *

As vedu took the shower and removeed all his hairs and was feeling uncomfortable

Piyuu said that tommoro is Saturday and for our plan you should wake up early in the morning

Vedu said why it is weekend we should be get up late na ....

She pulled vedu closer and said you listen to me or else see what's the consequences....

Vedu agreed

To be continued...

Spicy things in next part....

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