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"Now I can officially say I know you," Cal informs me, standing on my doorstep with me.

My aunt's staying in the hospital another night and my siblings are fast asleep. I think.

"Yeah," I smile, handing him back his jacket, "And look, I'm really sorry for acting like a brat and stuff... I guess my only tactic is to push people away... But I'll try not to anymore..."

He shakes his head, frowning, "Don't apologise, I get it. Everyone has their own way of dealing with sadness."

"What's yours?" I inquire.

He shrugs, looking up at the night sky, "I guess mine is the opposite of yours. When I'm sad I like to be close to the people I care about."

"And those people are...?" I ask.

I don't know why I'm asking so many questions, but it feels good to be able to ask them without typing all my words out. But it also means I can't delete my text once I've written it... What's said is said.

"You," He starts off, "Ash, Luke, Mikey... My mom, my sister, my dad... But mainly you."

I bite my lip, taking a small step closer to him, "Mainly me, huh?"

"Mainly you," he repeats, his eyes flickering to my lips.

I feel myself instinctively start to lean in.

"Cassie?" The front door opens and I snap backwards, almost falling over in the process.

"Ravi? What are you doing up, sweetie?"

She rubs her eyes tiredly, standing there in her polka dot pyjamas.

"I was getting water," she mumbles, "I couldn't sleep."

I frown, automatically hugging her.

"Who's that?" She asks groggily, pulling away to look at Calum.

I grin, looking between the two, "Ravi, this is Calum. Calum, this is my sister, Ravi."

She gasps, a mischievous smile forming on her little lips, "Is he your boyfriend?!"

She is way too over excited.

"No," I laugh, "Now go back to bed, okay? I'll be up in a second."

"What are you going to do, kiss?" She smirks.

Now it's my turn to gasp, "Ravi, you better get your arse back to bed before I carry you up there myself!"

She giggles, "But what are you going to do?"

"Nothing!" I groan, embarrassment clear on my features, "I'm just going to say goodbye to him."

"Okay, then, say goodbye," she folds her arms across her chest, staying put.

"Bed, now."

"Make me."

Calum awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, looking out towards his car, "I'll just go. See you later, Cas."

Ugh, Ravi.

"No, wait," I demand, "Ravi, go to bed or I'll tell mom you're messing with my love life."

"Your love life?" She smiles wickedly, "So you are going to kiss him, aren't you!"

"Not if you don't leave," I attempt to push her into the house.

Calum's cheeks turn red, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Fine, fine," she finally gives in, walking into the house and shutting the door.

I wait a few seconds before turning back to Calum.

"So..." I tuck my hair behind my ear.

He smirks, taking a step towards me again, my breathing becoming uneven, "Your love life, huh?"


I try to form words, but nothing comes out of my mouth, my face the colour of a tomato.

He takes another step towards me, our bodies touching, "I hear you're planning to kiss me."

Oh god, he heard that?

Well I didn't really say it that quietly and he was standing next to me...

"Only if that's okay with you," my voice comes out as a whisper, but luckily I don't stutter.

He nods, leaning in slowly, "That's definitely okay with me."

His lips brush mine and my eyes flutter closed, anxiously waiting for what's to come.

"Kiss me," I order.

He chuckles, his lips brushing over mine again, "I was planning to."

"Hurry up."


I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, butterflies erupting in my stomach. He's right, I am impatient.

His hands snake around my waist, while I let mine get tangled up in his hair, a slight moan leaving his lips.

The sound of the door opening causes us to break apart, but a little too late.

"I heard that," Ravi leans in the doorframe, "And I saw that."

I roll my eyes, ignoring her and pecking Calum on the lips briefly.

"Text me," I whisper, walking through the doorway and pushing Ravi with me.

Calum nods, a grin slowly shaping on his lips.

Once the door is closed, my fingers touch my lips, the tingling feeling still there.

"Gosh," Ravi raises her eyebrows at me, "I will never understand you."

"How old are you, Re Re?" I guide her up the stairs in the dark house.


"Exactly," I laugh, "You'll understand one day."

"Nope," she denies, "I won't because boys have cooties."

I lead her into her room and wait for her to get under the covers before tucking her in.

"Sweet dreams, sunshine."

"I love you, Cassie."

"I love you too, Ravi... I love you too."

Kik || Calum HoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora