first story

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(Wrote this for a class back in November. Really bad in my opinion. But enjoy.)

The World War had come to Greece more than 2 years ago after the German invasion in the Spring of the year 1941. The Date now was September 13th 1943. In a Tiny village named Petroto located outside the City Patras Lived a man named Adonis Georgiu. Adonis and his Wife Mrs. Georgiu had 4 Children Together, 2 boys and 2 girls. 

              Adonis Was packing up His old reliable Mule named Sterogi for his Trip into Patras that day. The journey would take a long time, due to them being so high up in the mountains. Adonis made the Journey everyday for his Job as a carpenter. Adonis was a rather large and strong man in his late 30s to early 40s, but he didn’t let that stop him. 

             He put on his old hat over his Curly Brown hair. Mrs. Georgiu was hanging up Laundry as Adonis was preparing to leave. Adonis’s Children, Athena, his Oldest daughter who was 16, Alexander Jr, his oldest son who was 15, Orion, his youngest son who was 7, and his youngest Daughter, Helen who was 5 years old were helping their mother with the laundry. 

             “ Have a great day, Adonis. Do bring back some bread for supper this evening.” Mrs. Georgiu responds as she hangs some laundry on the line, her fading Red Curls flowing with the wind. 

                  “ I will. Goodbye, my love.” Adonis waved goodbye to his Wife and Children when a German Patrol convoy of Trucks drove up the old Mountain Road. The smell of the diesel from the trucks penetrated Adonis’s nose, causing him to sniffle a bit and hide his face in his jacket.

              The Trucks stopped in front of Adonis’s old mud brick house which was starting to crumble. A German Colonel stepped out and was decorated in awards and medals. 3 German Soldiers followed behind him carrying their Rifles. “ Are you Adonis Georgiu?” The Colonel asked, looking down at a piece of old, crumpled up paper. 

                “ Yes, may I ask who you are and the reason you are here?” Adonis raised his Eyebrow in curiosity. 
         “ I am Colonel Baur. Last month we received some information from an unknown person that you were in Contact with the Greek Partisans and that you were hoarding Rations for Yourself in a cave located outside of Petroto.” He said it in such a thick German accent. He had a stern Expression on his face. His Dark Blue eyes penetrated Adonis’s soul as he stared the man down with a sinister look on his face.

            “ Sir, please, that is absurd! I have not Been in Contact with Any Partisans and I am Most certainly not hoarding Rations.” Mrs. Georgiu and the Children stood behind Adonis, looking Scared and Confused. 

          “ My Information says otherwise, Mr. Georgiu. Now step aside.” Colonel Baur writes something down with a Pencil on the old Crumpled piece of brown paper. 

              “ Please, Sir,.” Mrs. Georgiu begs. 

       Colonel Baur Ignored her and motioned for the 3 soldiers behind him. “ Kill them all except the man. He needs to feel what it is like to lose Everything. Now Make it quick.” 

                   The Soldiers nodded their heads quickly with Cold Expressions plastered on each of their faces. They aimed their Rifles at Adonis’s Wife and Children. 

              Adonis Screamed to try and get them to stop. He scrambled until his voice became Hoarse. Colonel Baur ignored his pleas. Mrs. Georgiu Shielded her Children with her body as she had tears streaming down her face as she glanced at Adonis who had no idea what to do at the moment. 

            “ Fire!.” Colonel Baur shouted and it created an Echo within the Mountain Valley and the Village.

      The Soldiers Fired their Rifle at Adonis’s Family. Their screams could be heard as the bullets penetrated them. They fell lifeless to the Rocky Dirt road. Adonis was on the ground screaming and Sobbing as he watched the scene.  

               Colonel Baur Kicked Adonis hard causing him to fall over. “ Let's move on.” He left the scene getting into the truck and driving away down the Mountain Road towards Patras. 

             Adonis Laid there, unconscious. 

     Over the Span of the next Few Months Adonis was filled with Hatred and Vengeance. He hated what Colonel Baur had done to him. He had destroyed his life and now Colonel Baur and his men were gonna pay. 

        Adonis had carefully planned for months and months for his Revenge plan. He knew everything about Colonel Baur’s Route and where he would be. So Today was the day he would get his revenge. 

              On a Narrow part of the Road, Adonis Had placed Rocks in a pile where it would stop Colonel Baur and his Patrol. He planned to Ambush them there and to wipe them all out one by one. 

                Adonis Hid on a ledge Close to the scene in some Bushes. He was aiming his rifle down to where the rocks were. 

                 The Trucks came into view. He steadied himself and prepared. 

       The Trucks slowed down and Eventually came to a stop. Colonel Baur looked furious as he slammed the door to his car Screaming at the Soldiers to get the rocks off the road. He sounded like a Hawk as he screeched.  

              Adonis prepared. He took the first shot. The bullet traveled through the air fast as it hit the Soldier standing closest to Colonel Baur, who jumped back when the Soldier fell lifeless to the ground.

               Then another shot rang out and another. Colonel Baur’s Men dropped like flies as he Frantically looked around the mountain looking for the source of the shooting. He started firing his Gun randomly in every direction. 

                  One of the Stray Bullets Hit Adonis in his Shoulder, but he ignored the pain and Prepared his last round. Colonel Baur was still firing like a madman when Adonis’s finger pulled the Trigger of his rifle. 

                 The bullet traveled through the air and hit Colonel Baur in his skull. His cap fell gracefully off as his body tumbled down the side of the mountain along with some small rocks.

                Silence. Nothing but Silence as Adonis came out of his hiding spot looking down at the now Abandoned trucks and Lifeless bodies that laid on the old Mountain road. 

         Months passed by and Adonis Wasn’t happy with what he had done. He had to worry about getting caught for it and He had so much Guilt for Killing those Germans and Colonel Baur. He had fallen into Deep Depression and turned to Alcohol.  On the Day of August 13th, 1944, Adonis Stood at the Cliff of the Mountain road where he Killed Colonel Baur. He sighed as he silently stepped off the side. He fell over 400 feet to the Valley Below. He didn’t survive the impact.  Two Wrongs Don't make a right. Those were the last words Adonis ever spoke before he died. 

             And Now standing here 50 Years later.  Adonis’s Younger Brother, Alexander Georgiu, tells his story and what he did half a Century ago. I never want him to be forgotten.

                I stood at his grave holding a Bouquet of Roses. I laid the Roses on the Top of his Headstone, which was under an old dying Olive tree. I sighed as I glanced at my Brother one last time before I turned around and walked away from his Grave. I walked across the Old mountain road one last time Before I took My final Breath and fell to the rocky ground below. 

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