"Get away from her Jackson." A voice said with spite.

The boy in front of me immediately dropped his 'cute' act.

"Aw, I just wanted to hang out with the slut." He said in a mocking way.

I immediately sprang out of the guys arms and smacked the guy in the face.

"First off, ew. Second off, you don't call someone you don't even know, a slut. Third off, fuck you asshole."

I quickly stormed away to my dorm, not batting the two an eye. I was pissed. Who does he think he is?

I took deep breaths, and eventually calmed down.

I opened the door to my dorm and saw a boy with glasses, and brown fluffy hair.

"Who are you?" I asked at the door way.

He turned to me and raised a brow. "What do you mean? I'm one of your roommates?" He said trying to walk up to me.

"Wait, you're one of my roommates?"

Just then, I heard running and a scream.

"Via!!! You're back! Where were you? I was worried sick!" A boy with blonde hair popped out of no where, running right at me.

He squeezed me in a hug, he even pressed my face into his chest.

I got out of his grip and backed away.

"I'm sorry, but who are you two? I fell, and got memory loss. I don't know anyone here."

They both looked dead when they heard the news.

"Is this a joke? If so, not funny Sylvia." The brown haired boy said sternly.

"She's not joking." A voice said behind me.

I got scared and jumped into the blonde boys arms. I quickly got out of his arms and cleared my throat.

"Stop popping out of no where Kerian!" I yelled at him while blushing a little. That was embarrassing.

"You know him? I thought you said you didn't know anybody?" The blonde said.

"Who do you think brought her to the office dumbass?" Kerian said sounding upset even though he wasn't showing it.

Everyone was quiet. "I'm going to my room. See ya!" I said while rushing off.

I opened my door and shut it, loudly. I locked it and jumped on my bed. So, obviously I'm either in a dream, or a different universe.

Probably in a different universe. Everying feels to real to be a dream.

I could be in a multiverse. If so, which one? Is it where everyone I know is a boy? Could be, that would make sense.

Jackson could be... Jacky! She's a total jerk! She acts cute, but just plays with everyones feelings.

Kerian could be... Kirara! She is very serious, she was one of my allibies that I could count on to help me study.

Elliott could be... Eliana, Or Ellissa. They both do act alike. But I'm more close with Eliana, so I think it's her.

They both are energetic and help a lot. I wouldn't say friends, but we know each other.

That means the two out there are Miranda and Lecia. But what could be their boy names?

I looked at my clock, and realized it was around supper time.

I slowly made my way out of my room to look for them. I need to at least know their names.

"Uh? Hello? Roommates?" I questioned.

I was then hugged from behind. Yeah, this one is definitely Lecia. She loves affection, especially by people she loves.

"I'm Levi! The other one is Mason!" He said joyfully while still hugging me.

"Ah, uh, Thank you?" I said flustered, not use to this much affection from a boy.

He then let go of me and dragged me to a kitchen.

"Sit! Mason made supper!" He said while sitting next to me.

I looked in front of me to see a plate full of food.

"Ah, thanks Mason." I said while picking up my silverware.

"Anything for you Sylvia." He said strangely serious. I just tilted my head at his words.

Oh well, the food is good atleast.

Although the food was good, he gave me way to much. Seeing that Levi already finished his plate, I offered some of mine.

"Hey Levi? Would you want more? I'm full." I said gesturing my plate to him.

"Only if you feed me." He said either smiling, or smirking at me. I couldn't tell.

I didn't wanna waste food, so I fed him.

Just then, Mason spoke up, "Feed me to." I turned my head to him. His plate was empty.

"I'm still hungry." He said plainly.

I sighed, again. I fed the both of them, with both my hands, at the same time like babies.

Once all the food was gone, I immediately stood up.

"You two are simps. I'm gonna take a shower. Dont come into my room." I said pointing at the both of them.

Mason was shyly smiling at me, and Levi was literally beaming at me.

I groaned and walked away.

What am I gonna do with those two? Worst of all, I have a third roommate.

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