What he couldn't understand, however, was why his mother didn't get a divorce.

It was a complicated matter. Several years have passed since they seperated and stopped seeing each other. But that man didn't go as far as divorcing. Even when his mother, tired of waiting for a long time, asked for a divorce, he did not listen. Even his grandparents' conciliation did not work. He didn't want any money, just not letting his mother go.

His mother loved the man, but that man did not come back. Slowly, she thinned out. It was so funny what love was. Even though the whole situation was ridiculously tragic, his mother didn't resent that man. However, she often said this to him.

'If one day you find someone you love, Bonbon, you shouldn't be selfish.'

It wasn't just about his father.

'Love means not forcing your own desires on the other person. Mom realized this too late.'

That was probably her last will. The day after she told him that, she died in an accident. That day, since he wanted to learn how to draw, she took him to buy art supplies.

Looking at Ash, who resembled Shane in both look and talent, Sophia listened to her son's request with a nostalgic expression. The mother and son were excited about going out for the first time after so long. They arrived hand in hand at the art shop in central London, where they used to visit with his father. And coincidentally, they met Phillip Gordon there.

After that, his memory was hazy. The calm downtown London turned into chaos in the blink of an eye. The news said it was a terrorist crime that had been planned for a long time. Suicide bombs went off everywhere.

Subways and buses were planted bombs. Passersby on the roads were swept away by the loud explosion. Burning flames, acrid black smoke, and sharp fragments were all over the place.

Philip, who was greeting his mother, had moved first. As soon as he felt the danger, Philip first covered the boy in front of him. And his mother pushed Philip, with Ash in his arms, away from the falling debris. As the two were pushed into a building out of the reach of the explosion, his mother called out someone's name. Philip and Ash heard it clearly.

Before she died, she called Ash's name.

But it seemed that the situation did not appear that way to his father. When he learned of the accident, he believed that his mother had chosen to die for Philip Gordon. The feeling of betrayal Shane built himself had become an obsession, and that man, as Sophia's "husband", took over all of her belongings. Even her ashes.

After his mother's death, Shane grew ambitious and tried to increase his influence. A person who didn't even have noble blood dared to step foot into that world. In the end, he even took advantage of Philip Gordon's influence, whom he had always hated, to get what he wanted.

Shane used Philip Gordon's guilt and affection for Ash and Sophia as a means of arranged marriage. He managed to find a link to Marquis Frost through the nobles he had dated, and used undeniable conditions to threaten Ash into accepting the marriage.

The conditions his father put forward were everything that belonged to his mother. If Ash accepted the marriage in silence, Shane would hand over their former newlyweds house, which was under the name of him, and Sophia's ashes, what Ash and his grandparents had long wanted.

Since the circumstances for the marriage were like that, Ash didn't think he'd love Karlyle Frost. He really never imagined he would fall in love this much. Because the love Ash has experienced, like his mother's, appears at certain special moments. He couldn't even imagine.....he could love someone through a forced meeting.

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