N. What he meant is that we want everything to be served (some hot cakes with honey, for my friend (Daniela) a blackberry juice, a fruit jelly, for (talia) and he brings me some strawberries with cream, a pudding, a hamburger, some strawberries and a strawberry milkshake) this and quickly because we don't have time to spare so hurry up

A few minutes later (3 minutes) here is everything
D Thank you, how much would it be? It would be a total of 22 dollars. Ok, here she hands 65 dollars to the cashier. Here is your change. Enjoy your meal. Return 43 dollars.

D. Well, how was your day?

T.my day is full well I woke up and my father gave me a Vintage colored bow and you know how much I love that color today in fact I put it on, it's the one I'm wearing right now look do you like it?

D. It's very pretty, the truth is, what a nice gift they gave you.

N. Yes, it's beautiful, those vintage colors make me fall in love with it, where did you get it? How? Where did I get it hahahaha don't be kidding

N. Hahahhaha D. HJAHJAHJA (The bell rings)

N. so fast we don't even talk about anything good see you later friends see you at the 2nd time recess in the garden ok

D. yes it's okay take care of yourself kisses N.aww daniela how cute you are I love you bye,

T.good bye naty and bye bye dany see you at recess Bye I love you I'm going to class

D.thank you see you later bye D.afterwards I have to go to 6 other subjects Pass the time It's time for total recess another 20 minutes D.hi natalia I'm here T.me too

N.hello friends you won't believe me Shakira followed me on insta

D.seriously... let's see show me (see the follow)Not much yes friend because the truth is I don't believe you so let's see wow if it's true

N. I told them a world star follows me on Insta I think it was because yesterday I published that I love Shakira with all my heart

D. wow friend yes You are a real winner to me on Insta I only have 234 followers but none of them are Shakira

T. Speaking of which I barely have 990 followers and I almost reached a thousand but how lucky you are as Shakira is going to follow you

N. I don't know it's just fate wanted this and having Shakira follow me will be part of my 100 followers

D. well and if we draw for a while on the cell phone N. yes I would love to let's draw a cat

T. I will gladly accept your request damsel we have to take out our tablets right?

D.yes it's okay They take out their tablets and pen

N.ready to see who makes the best cutest kitten of all friends

D.ok T.it's obvious that I'm going to win Time passes

D.ready finish

N. Look at your drawing A how beautiful everything chubby well I'm done look

T.wow what a beautiful drawing daniela and yours is very nice natalia well look at mine

wow what a beautiful drawing daniela and yours is very nice natalia well look at mine

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D.How beautiful you draw talia how did you do that I don't go into that much detail

N.wow it's amazing talia you are Very good at drawing, how long have you been doing it? It looks amazing on you. Talia's drawings are fascinating

N. the truth is, how can you compare that with drawings like ours, it's impressive (the bell rings)

D. wow... we have to go now, good bye, see you tomorrow Na yes, it's true that I'm clueless, thanks for Remind me Daniela, very good drawing Talia

T. it's not that good, take care of us Daniela and you too Natalia see you later

D. then I come back I prepare my food as I watch some series and I go to clean the house I do chores and take a bath I just took a bath I dry and wash my clothes with the washing machine I watch the odd video a little tin ton and a look at Twitter and Insta I create some daily video with varied content or playing a video game

D. my mom comes back I have dinner wit I go to the room I say goodbye to my mother, I remember what happened... that time on the... Highway and that my father died... (I can't take it anymore, I want to cry... (Change of voice to a sad and lonely voice) I would like ... to have you ... by my side ... dad ... why did I - ... do I - (wipes some tears) Iero ... what did I do for ... snif) sn-if) to deserve this... (Crying with pain in his chest and feeling a horrible pain that intensifies with his memories) (Screams in pain) Sobbing and shedding many empty tears in his room da-da but-o What do I do without you...

D.even my friends have you-in-what I don't have...I have... (Heartbroken) I seriously deserve this (with a slightly strong and sad voice)

S.daughter, are you fine... (doesn't hear anything)

D. Yes... I-I-I'm fine... I don't think you're fine daughter come open up I want to talk to you if it's about... the thing about... you can trust me no I want you to suffer, here I am daughter, don't get away from me... not you... (in a sad voice) don't... leave me alone...

D. I won't leave you alone mom (opens the door and they realize a hug)

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