After all, Lucien Leclerc was not one to succumb to the whims of his own imagination, nor was he easily swayed by the specter of the unknown. And yet, there was something undeniably disconcerting about the dream that lingered in the recesses of his mind—a lingering sense of unease that refused to be ignored.

For a fleeting moment, he entertained the notion of unraveling the enigma that had ensnared him in its clutches, of delving deep into the shadows to uncover the truth that lay hidden beneath. But as quickly as the thought had come, it was banished from his mind, replaced once more by the familiar facade of indifference that shielded him from the prying eyes of the world.

With a dismissive flick, Lucien sent the spent cigarette tumbling through the air, its ember fading into the damp earth below. He couldn't be bothered with the petty reprimands of the academy's stuffy professors—let them fuss and fume over their precious rules and regulations. He had more important things to occupy his mind.

As he stood amidst the tranquil stillness of the sunrise, the lake shimmered like a mirror, reflecting the ghostly silhouettes of the surrounding trees. For a moment, he allowed himself to be captivated by the serene beauty of the scene, the gentle lull of the water lapping against the shore soothing his restless soul.

But even as he gazed upon the tranquil landscape, a sense of restlessness gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, urging him to return to the familiar confines of their shared bedroom. With practiced ease, he navigated the winding paths that crisscrossed the campus, his movements fluid and purposeful as he slipped through the shadows like a wraith in the night.

As he approached their dormitory, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips—a silent acknowledgment of the bond that united them in their shared defiance of authority and convention. With a final glance cast over his shoulder at the shimmering expanse of the lake, Lucien disappeared into the darkness, his footsteps echoing softly against the hallowed halls of Welton Academy.

With practiced ease, Lucien pushed the door to their dormitory open just a crack, the muted light of dawn filtering through the narrow gap. Inside, he could see the familiar sight of Emile sprawled across his bed, still lost in the depths of sleep, oblivious to the world around him.

Ignoring the faint rustle of movement from his sleeping friend, Lucien stepped into the room, his footsteps silent against the polished floorboards. With a sense of purpose, he made his way to his bed. Julien was already immersed in his studies, poring over textbooks with a focused intensity that was characteristic of him.

As Julien settled into his chair, his mind was already racing ahead, absorbing the intricate details of the day's lessons and formulating strategies for mastering the material. With a determined set to his jaw, he immersed himself in his studies, his focus unwavering even in the pre-dawn stillness.

With a nonchalant air, Lucien then settled into his own chair, his gaze lingering on Julien for a moment before turning to the window. Outside, the first light of dawn painted the sky in shades of pink and gold, a stark contrast to the muted hues of their dormitory.

As he watched the sunrise, Lucien's thoughts drifted briefly to the day ahead, the challenges and opportunities that awaited them at Welton Academy. But for now, in the quiet stillness of their dormitory, he allowed himself a moment of reprieve, a brief respite from the demands of the world outside.

As they stepped out of their dorm, the trio encountered a sea of wary gazes from their fellow pupils. Many instinctively veered out of their path, giving them a wide berth. However, one figure stood apart from the crowd: Neil Perry. Positioned against the opposite wall, just two doors down from the trio's quarters, Neil watched them intently, his expression unreadable.

ECHOES OF EDEN, Neil PerryWhere stories live. Discover now