Chapter 2 paralyzier

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I was walking through town trying to find something to inspire my drawings and I found myself around the hospital area. I walk around the back to were the surgeons and nurses go to get greasy air. There I saw a beautiful garden fully of intricate flowers and plants and I had to draw it. I walked over to the stairs and took a seat opening my journal and grabbing a pencil from my bag.

Half an hour I sat there For half an hour drawing and erasing and drawing more. Flowers and leaves and bees. Tiny little purple blossoms and extravagant red and orange flowers.

"You do know you're trespassing, correct?" I voice behinds me says and I jump. I turn to find the handsome doctor I met a week ago.

"Oh is it? I'll leave then. I just wanted to draw those flowers there." I point to the garden about three feet away.

"May I?" He asks holding his hand out for the journal.

"If you wish." I say and I hand him the closed leather bound sketch book. He takes it in his hands and flips through my many drawings and paintings.

"These are amazing..." he continues to flip pages "is that me?" He asks and my heart stops for a moment and my whole body from head to toe flushes a light pink.

"Oh. Uh yes it is" I nod quite embarrassed of the situation. "I drew that when I bumped into you the other day. You have a very interesting figure." I shrug taking back the book.

"An interesting figure?" He smiles

"Well yes the basic shape and build of your body is not very common to find in this town so it's sort of difficult to find a model or muse or what ever you choose to call it.." I continue to ramble  awkwardly and I can't seem to stop.

"Slow down there miss I was only wondering." He chuckles and I smile feverishly.

"Sorry" I whisper awkwardly.

"No need. Now show me how you draw." It wasn't a question or a request but most definitely wasn't a demand. No, when he said things to me his voice soft and gentle never hostile or demanding. Though that might be reading quite a bit into just the tone of his voice, considering I've only met him three times if you count talking to him now as one. Perhaps this is the tone he uses for everyone.

"Draw what exactly? I ask

"Me. Since you're so good at it." He chuckles and for a moment I thought he was joking but then he looks at me with that devilish smile and I knew he wasn't.

"You. Doing what exactly?" I say trying to weave my way out of this or at least postpone it.

"Hmm...Something boring that you do every day something absolutely mundane. Like sleeping." He suggests playfully.

"Sleeping?" I raise my eyebrows questioningly.

"Yes. Sleeping." He nods and sits down next to me with that same stupid grin on his face and calm gentle tone.
I wanted to die.
Funny considering we were behind a hospital.

"Fine" I agree and roll my eyes after a minute or two of considering.

"Good girl, now would you like me to pose or just sit here and look pretty?" He chuckles

"Just sit there and be quiet would be better" I say out loud hoping I sound calm and collected when on the inside I was screaming into my pillow and fan girling
Like "OMG he just said GOOD GIRL"

"As you wish." He shrugs with a sigh.

"Damn straight." I reply and I open my sketch book to a blank page and get to work.

"Does it look okay?" I ask a stunned looking Dr Jack Dawkins a whole five minutes after I handed him the sketch to show him.

"Just wondering if I actually look like that when I sleep." He smiles I smile back we smile at each other for a solid minute. Feeling like this smiling nonsense was going no where I decided to say something.

"I recon you don't. You probably drool. And snore. All men snore." He chuckles at this and hands me back the sketch.

"No no keep it you wanted it drawn you take it I insist." I say in I very carefully rip the drawing out and hand it to him.

"Well I would try to refuse but I have a feeling you're quite the stubborn woman so I leave it be." I nod gratefully and then think of something.

"Hold on let me see that back for a second." He hands me back the paper and I refresh my lipstick and kiss the bottom of the paper leaving a rouge lip print and right underneath it in neat print I sign my name, And with that I hand him his paper back. While handing him the drawing I catch a glimpse of the time on his watch.

"Oh good god I should have been home hours ago. Sorry to leave so abruptly but I have to go." I quickly pack my things into my bag sling it over my shoulder and hustle off.

***I hope you like this writing so far I will try to write a new chapter every day but if I can't I'm very sorry

-with love,
Your writer

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