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The rain beat down on the young girl's shoulders as she stepped out of the building, clutching her papers to her chest. She took a deep breath and braced herself for the downpour.

The cold raindrops felt like tiny daggers of ice as they beat down on her body, their force only growing stronger with each passing second.

She could feel her clothes clinging uncomfortably to her skin, the fabric soaked through and cold and damp. She stood still, the world around her seemingly frozen in time as the tempest of emotions brewed within her.

She knew that she had to make a choice, and that choice would determine her future.

But she felt paralyzed by the overwhelming weight of the situation, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions.

She chose to pursue her career over her love, and now she was back in town to try to rekindle that love once more after so long apart.

“Im back.”


14 years of longing. After leaving the man that I love for me to have a better future, finally.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Monterico." I greeted then smiled.

"Indeed, Ms. Bartolojeo." I heard your voice, once again after so many years. But...

There's no hint of gladness in your eyes. I can see disgust, hatred, and confusion lingering in it.

My smile fades away when I saw his serious eyes looking at me intently.

And then.

I'm here again, sitting in a white chair. Wearing my school uniform. Anxious.

As the ceremony commenced, I was the only one in the front row who didn't fit in. My heart pounded, my palms clammy as I grappled with uncertainty and anticipation.

Every now and then, my eyes darted to the back where the sea of students stretched, searching for familiar faces. I was painfully aware that I was a newcomer, surrounded by strangers.

The thought of standing out, of appearing different, gnawed at my mind. But I was an honor student, which compelled me to be in the front row, awaiting the moment when the honorees would be called to walk on stage.

'I just want to sit with my friends.'

The words of our instructor reverberated throughout the hall, signaling our cue to rise from our seats as we prepared to be called. Amidst the anticipation, my thoughts drifted uncontrollably, and I glanced back towards the rows of students seated behind. My furrowed brow often resulted in squinting eyes, straining to focus on the distant figures. However, my vision faltered on occasion, prompting me to ponder if glasses might be necessary for sharper sight.

After spotting my friends amidst the crowd, my hand poised to wave, only to pause in mid-air as a stranger strode forth, his expression tinged with curiosity. Our glances met, a silent query hanging in the space between us.

'Why is he leaning towards me?' I asked in my mind.

"Hmm?" It's a raised eyebrow question. Who is this?

I looked at the polo collar that was not properly folded. I looked again at his questioning face.

'Akala ba nitong siya ang tinitingnan ko? This kid was assuming.' I said again in my mind.

Will I find an excuse?

"Your collar.... hindi ata na fold ng maayos." I said pointing to his collar.

"Ahh." As I watched his actions, my frown deepened, my face revealing a blend of confusion and surprise as he adjusted his collar without acknowledging my observation. My mind raced with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, struggling to make sense of his peculiar behavior.

"Weird." A faint whisper escaped my lips, carrying a hint of bewilderment. Yet, rather than dwelling on the situation, I chose to dismiss it with a lighthearted shrug, eager to refocus my attention on the impending ceremony.

And then, I'm back in this hallway, again. Facing him.

'We've met again.'



Please be aware that this story is MY original story and didn't copy it anywhere, if you think you had read or it is familiar to you, then it is just a pure coincidence. Some of the places are real but most of them are all made up.

After the Rain (After the Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now