•Chapter Five: Texts•

Start from the beginning

    To your displeasure and irritation, Lute seemed to be ghosting you.

You: Lute, please.

    Alas, no response. You groaned and threw your phone into the bed in frustration. How insensitive is this bitch, God!

    You paced around the room for about fifteen minutes with phone in hand, stuck in an endless cycle of hovering your finger above the keyboard and changing your mind over and over again. What's stopping you, you thought, it's over now anyway!

At last you sent something.

You: Ok, I'll talk, but can we cover just the basics please?

    You received a read receipt.

Lute: yeah, sure.

    Aha! You were getting somewhere! Now all you have to do is... the hard part.

You: Everything sucked so I went on a murder spree-

    Deleting that immediately. If anything was gonna make you look good, that isn't it.

You: Everyone around me tried to sabotage me and I kinda lost my shit.

You: I didn't live up to my parents expectations (wasn't the golden child they expected) and they reminded me of it every chance they got, emotionally and.. physically. And then they tried to make up for the abuse by throwing money at me and saying fake words.

You: My friends were also "kinda" questionable. I came from a wealthy family as I mentioned before, so a lot of people flocked to me over my money. At one point I thought I'd found the only few real friends in the area, and it was all fine and dandy.

You: At least up until I found not only messages of them talking shit behind my back, but also *fucking murder plans.*

You: After finding that I kinda broke and did some bad things that ended with some blood on my hands and my head on the floor, separate from my body.

    God, every time you think it wasn't even that bad... and then you say it out loud.

Lute: that sounds intense.

Lute: i'm sorry you went through that. but does what happened excuse the murder on your part?

You: Isn't it pretty much the same thing you exorcists do yearly?

Lute: hm.

Lute: fair enough.


Lute: i gtg. if you ever need to like, talk or anything, text me ig.

Lute: bye.

    Holy shit. You're safe. At least, for now... but she said "fair enough"!

    You wiped the sweat off your forehead, you could barely even remember the conversation now from all the adrenaline but those two words stuck in your head like the roots of your hair.

    With a massive sigh of relief, you threw your phone at your bed and stretched out; you had a bit of a shrimp posture throughout that conversation and now your back hurt like a motherfucker.

    Now that the ordeal was done and over with, you wondered what you should occupy yourself with now. You glanced at the chair next to your bed, which had a few pairs of dirty clothes (you weren't really able to carry much with you after being kicked out) and realized that you should probably do some laundry.

    So, with the burden off your shoulders, you carried the load to the washer and turned the machine on.

    The rumbling of the machine sent vibrations through the whole room, which felt oddly relaxing to you. You slumped to the ground and sat down, happy to have even a quick break from stress.

    'Thank god that's all done and over with. Now I'll never have to talk to another angel again in my life!'


Feeling so fire now that this stupid  chAPTER IS OUT OH MY FUCK.

Also official discord server drop!! >:D https://discord.gg/5mt2YTvP


A Second Chance..? (Lute x Sinner!Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now