"good luck in your match!" she called out, waving at me as i exited the room.

"hey l/n! how's your ankle?" naruhaya asked. he walked with me to the medical check room and waited outside the door for me.

"it's fine for now. she said i could still play in the match." i replied, glancing down at my ankle.

"awesome sauce! we've gotta hurry back though, kuon said we're going to decide the positions with rock paper scissors since everybody wanted to be a forward."

i internally deadpanned. no shit, everyone's a forward in blue lock..




"rock paper scissors.. SHOOT!"



"i lost..?"

"huh? i won?"

isagi emerged as the winner of the rock paper scissors tournament. it was so funny seeing raichi ragequit after losing to isagi.

"..then i want to be a forward!" isagi said.

"GOD DAMMIT! I'M LEAVING!!" raichi said, stamping his feet away.

"COME BACK SHITHEAD! YOU CAN'T LEAVE YET!" kunigami shouted, a vein popping out dangerously from his forehead.

"..then just like we discussed, starting with isagi and going in order, we'll choose the positions we want to play." kuon said while sweat dropping.




i ended up being on central defense with naruhaya. at least i wasn't a midfielder, my ankle would be killed from all the running.

"alright guys! for the first match we'll use the formation decided by rock paper scissors. the members of team x are ranks two hundred forty-three to two hundred fifty-three.. however, we don't have enough time to make a more detailed strategy." kuon said, bringing all of us together.

kuon drew the positions onto the field drawn on a whiteboard. eleven forwards forced to be one whole team..

"isagi won and chose to be center forward, so let's revolve our strategy around him."

"got it 🎶" bachira said, literally shooting heart eyes at isagi.

"can we really win with isagi as our foundation?" imamura asked. i guess he's worried because of how low isagi's rank is compared to the majority of us.

"we can't change anything now. we decided to play rock paper scissors because everybody wanted to be a forward.." kunigami replied, glancing at isagi.

"aww i don't wanna play defense!" naruhaya whined, putting his jersey on over his bodysuit.

"it's okay naruhaya, you'll be with me." i replied, securing my cleats carefully over my injured foot.

"we've just gotta win right? piece of cake!" raichi said smugly. funny hearing him say that when he ended up being a midfielder instead of a forward..

"no complaints here." gagamaru said. probably because he was a forward.

"do ya even know how to goalkeep?" imamura teasingly asked iemon, who was putting his gloves on.

"i don't have a choice since i was the ultimate loser in the game.." iemon replied. poor guy.

"'we've just gotta win'.. right?" chigiri asked, looking nervously at the rest of the team.

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