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After this sacrificial Yagna , she feared, what if the relation between her and her father got even more worse. What if, the arrival of his son changed his father's perception even more towards his daughters. What if , his new brother also hated them just like his father. All these questions were continuously fearing her and she can't take if off all that stuffs. A small worried line formed in her forehead and a little tear drop escaped from her eyes.

She somehow managed to go back to her room. She hold a pillow and prayed to the lord.

'Hey Mahadev, let everything happen smoothly in my life! It's all enough now!' She prayed to the lord.


Scene shifted towards evening which was not so peaceful at all! Maharishis were conducting the great yagna so that Drupad could get his desired son with his desired qualities.

Drupad was on cloud nine . He could not express how precious this moment was for him. Finally his son was about to arrive. Finally his revenge from his own friend Dronacharya could be executed with the help of his son.
Finally he would again be the king of the whole Panchala, again. The anger of the revenge was all much on his head that he had forgot about his family and the true meaning of family. He had lost his senses.


Meanwhile Draupadi and Shikandini remain seated at their respective place.

Draupadi was quite worried about the unknown entities which would emerge from the sacrificial Yagna.

"Jiji! What if both son and daughter of Agni Deva hate the same way father did with us?" Asked Draupadi innocently.

Shikandini smiled by seeing her innocence.

"Draupadi! They both are going to be our siblings. Surely they will never hate us! You are so much worrying kid!" Commented Shikandini.

"I was just imagining how my sister must be looking? And how prettier my brother will be!" Laughed Draupadi.

" Will they be as big as us or will they be kid of zero year of age!" Asked Draupadi.

" Ugrrhh! Just watch naa. I don't know the answers of your stupid questions!" Taunted Shikandini.

Draupadi pouted in anger while Shikandini gave her a side hug to tease her more. Completely the bond of both are incomparable.


Drupad came forward towards the burning flame. He adjusted himself infront of the intensity of Agni Deva. He joined both of his hands and prayed Agni Deva to provide a emergent son with necessary qualities.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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