Part 15:

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Lan Reba.
Wangji's younger sister
Age : 18
College student
Jolly and bubbly nature



Wangji was lying on the hospital bed. He was too shocked . He couldn't believe that he's still alive and that...God has given him second chance .

Wangji couldn't feel his all powers . He wanted answers but who will answer his questions .

Suddenly Wangji heard a whisper . he looked up and got shocked to see moon goddess standing in front of him.

Wangji greeted her. Moon goddess nodded.

Wangji asked , "Moon goddess ! Can you please tell me what's all this happening? How come I came here?"

Mood goddess replied , "Child ! You have been given a second chance. In past life you had a tragic end but in this life you have to change your ending. The future Wangji did the same mistake you did in your past life by giving Demon wen a chance. That demon wen will come back for you. You have to win against him".

Wangji said with determination , "I won't let that demon wen win this time. I'll kill him brutally".

Moon goddess nodded.

Wangji asked , "im still a vampire but....why can't I feel my full vampire powers?"

Moon goddess , "You will get your full powers after mating with your soulmate".

Wangji's eyes widened and his ears turned pink.

Moon goddess , "Remember are not immune to sunlight so you'll feel your skin burn in sunlight".

Wangji widened his eyes asking , " will I get immune to sunlight?"

Moon goddess , "You have to drink your mate's blood In order to get immune to sunlight".

Wangji nodded.

Moon goddess, "Do you have any other questions?"

Wangji thought for a while and then asked , "When will I find my mate?"

Moon goddess , "You will find him soon. Your mate will come to you by himself. You have my Blessings".

Saying this the moon goddess disappeared from there. Wangji took a deep breath and then closed his eyes.

Wangji have Also got to know from Xue yang , who came to visit Wangji earlier , about the whole matter. Wangji was so angry. He was cross with Wen Zhuliu. This Wen Zhuliu needs a crucial punishment. Wangji wanted to go check on Reba to see how she is but he didn't went as he was feeling weak. He thought he'll visit her later.

Sold to young master lan(Wangxian, Omega Verse):Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat