So this is love?

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Jon didn't know when he fell in love with Martin.

He was also not aware when he developed a childlike crush on him either.

But he must have, or he wouldn't have fallen in love with him like a fool. He knew that he grew to care for Martin as more than guy who he wished would disappear one day. But surely it was just caring more about him as a person, not a crush. 

At least, that's what he convinced himself to believe.

He thought those changes happened because of the traumatic situations they were forced into, and that while he didn't particularly like Martin, he was still technically his boss. If anything happened to him, it would have been Jon's responsibility. 

And yes he wasn't blind, he knew Martin was cute from the moment he saw him, BUT that was before he showed how imcompetent he seemed be, so Jon had refused to acknowledge those thoughts until a few years later. He now knew how wrong he was to do that.

Regardless of past events, he still wondered fairly frequently when he fell in love with Martin. Even without being The Archivist anymore, he still hungered for knowledge. Just a different kind. A more personal kind.

So if he decided to go with when he realised how cute Martin was with the moment he developed a crush (which he still isn't sure is correct), when was the moment he fell in love?

Maybe it was during the Jane Prentiss incident in the archives, when he and Martin got to have their little heart-to-heart chat. At that point Martin had been staying in the archives at his incistence, so talking to Martin was not exactly a first time offence but you know what he means. 

 Despite the near death he hadn't minded talking to Martin. It allowed him to have some distraction. Telling someone even if it was Martin that he did believe in the supernatural was such a weight off of his shoulders, and made him feel like he wasn't facing it all alone. Then he'd asked Martin why he was still in the archives, he doesn't really know what answer he was expecting. 

However, he did have to go and ruin the bloody moment by assuming that Martin was somehow a ghost. Which was a bit mortifying with how it showed Martin just how much he believed in the supernatural after all the denying he'd done. 

Martin teasing him with "A ghost? Really?" in what was, he now knew, his fond voice still replayed in his head at least a few times a week, and a soft smile grew on his face everytime. 

Maybe it was when he asked Martin what he was hiding and Martin told him about lying on his CV. Jon was not at his best during this time (read increasingly paranoid), and Martin had been kind enough to request Prentiss' ashes for him, which if it were anyone else might've been enough for Jon to not be such an arse. But it was not just anyone. 

It was Martin. 

And, so an arse he continued to be. 

After hearing Martin say that all he was hiding was lying on his CV, he'd never felt so relieved in his life, which was a surprise, because of course Martin could have been lying about more than just his CV. 

But Jon was more shocked by the fact that he wanted to and did believe in Martin with everything in him. 

It felt good to actually be able to trust someone in the office, even if only a little, just in case. He went to lunch with Martin, and while they didn't talk about anything substantial it was good to get out and not be so on edge around everyone and everything. 

Martin continued to ask Jon every now and again about going to lunch with him, and while Jon didn't feel safe enough to go everytime, he still went out to lunch more than he had during that time, then the entire time since he was hired as head archivist. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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