ocean👣 healing

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  Time, where memories dwell,
Healing takes patience, as old tales tell.
Scars of the past, deep as a well,
Echo in the heart, like a tolling bell.

The ocean currents, ancient and vast,
Carry whispers of an unforgettable past.
They cradle my soul, in their mighty cast,
Healing my wounds, holding me fast.

Waves, they rise, they crash, they swell,
In their rhythm, I find a comforting spell.
Each ebb, each flow, a story to tell,
Of past, of healing, where I fell.

Under the moon's soft, silver glow,
The ocean's currents ebb and flow.
In their dance, they silently show,
That healing takes time, it's not just for show.

The salty air, the cool sea breeze,
The ocean's rhythm, brings past memories at ease.
In its depths, all sorrows cease,
For the ocean currents, they heal, they appease.

So, embrace the past, let the healing be,
In the rhythm of the ocean, set your memories free.
For the currents of life, like the deep blue sea,
Heal us well, with time, you'll see.

"echoes of journey "Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang