CHAPTER 7 // Bloodshed And Romance

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"Come quickly, it's Itadori,"

*TheRealMegumi sent a location.*

Megumi's text randomly appeared on your phone during a rainy Saturday morning while you were brushing your teeth. Maki looked over your shoulder, unusually but lovingly clingy, her muscular and curvy frame pressed firmly against your backside as she hung her arms over your shoulders.

"Who's that?" Maki asked.

"Megumi. We need to leave; something's happened with Itadori," you replied urgently, showing her the text from Megumi for confirmation.

"Sukuna?" Maki questioned.

"Not sure," you replied, annoyed at Megumi's vague urgency.

"Well, whatever the case, we'd better hurry," Maki grumbled.

Maki sounded unusually annoyed at the prospect of an unscheduled Jujutsu mission.

"Something wrong, babe?" you asked coolly.

"I'll tell you later," Maki whispered sultrily in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. (lemon foreshadowing).

You skipped your usual routine and threw on a simple outfit of black pants, a black long-sleeve top, and black Air Forces.

You skipped your usual routine and threw on a simple outfit of black pants, a black long-sleeve top, and black Air Forces

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Maki quickly got dressed, throwing on an outfit awfully similar to yours, and got ready to head out the door.

Maki quickly got dressed, throwing on an outfit awfully similar to yours, and got ready to head out the door

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

You and Maki took the elevator downstairs from your door and loaded into the car.

"Ready?" you asked, starting the car.

"Yeah," Maki said calmly.

You hit the gas, starting the car and sending fireballs from your exhaust as you sped off to Megumi's location, the Ferrari getting you two there in record time.

You arrived at the scene to see Megumi being savagely beaten by what appeared to be Itadori.

"Definitely Sukuna," you noted.

You nodded at Maki before helping her out and locking the doors.

"Well, aren't you romantic?" Maki whispered flirtatiously.

"Not right now..." You flushed at Maki's dominance before brushing it off and preparing for the upcoming fight by stripping off your shirt for the utmost comfort, completely highlighting your chiseled physique and stunning facial features.

"IS EVERY ZENIN DESCENDANT THIS FUCKING WEAK?" Sukuna laughed menacingly before continuing his pummeling of Megumi.

Maki appeared behind Sukuna and attempted to kick him, only to be caught mid-air and thrown like a ragdoll into a nearby building.

"Fuck.." you cursed vehemently before creating a hardlight bubble around Maki to protect her from the impact before rushing in yourself while summoning your spear.

Sukuna quickly began pursuing Maki before multiple hardlight spears pierced his chest, knocking him off balance.

"Don't disrespect my girlfriend, you four-eyed bitch," you said tauntingly.


Surprisingly, Maki was able to air assault Sukuna with the assistance of Megumi's flying shikigami.

"HOW THE FUCK?" Sukuna screamed as Maki's sword pierced his chest.

"Haven't you noticed?" you started.

"We're different," you and Maki said simultaneously as you began to combo Sukuna, you providing extra support as you generated different weapons for Maki mid-combo.

After hours of bone-breaking battle, eventually, Yuji regained control of his body after Sukuna was weakened.

"How many people need treatment?" The Jujutsu EMT asked as Megumi was loaded onto a stretcher.

"Just him," you replied.

As the chaos settled and the injured were attended to, you and Maki stood side by side, catching your breath and surveying the aftermath of the intense battle. Megumi, though bruised and battered, flashed you a grateful smile before being whisked away for further treatment.

"Nice work back there," Maki said, nudging you playfully.

"You too," you replied, feeling a sense of camaraderie and admiration for your partner's skills in combat.

The sun began to break through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the scene, signaling the end of the storm both outside and within.

Later, as you and Maki returned home, exhausted but victorious, you found yourselves sharing a quiet moment on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms.

"Looks like we make a pretty good team," Maki remarked, resting her head against your chest.

"Hell yeah, we do," you agreed, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

As the evening stretched on, you recounted the day's events, finding solace in each other's presence and the knowledge that you would always have each other's backs, no matter what challenges lay ahead in the world of Jujutsu sorcery.


Author's Note

Pluto here. There's going to be a lemon chapter that ties in with this one coming soon. It serves no canon purpose, so feel free to skip it if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable. Cheers! <3

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