Emerging from the air-conditioned sanctuary of Koko's private jet, you were met with a blast of heat that seemed to wrap around you like a suffocating blanket. Yawns and groans escaped your lips as you made your way down the steps onto the tarmac below.

"Why the hell didn't anyone tell me it's gonna be this hot?" Sanzu grumbled, his shirt sticking to his skin with sweat.

As you strode past him with a wry smile, you couldn't resist the opportunity to share a tidbit of knowledge. "Did you know that 95% of Saudi Arabia is desert?" you quipped, your tone light despite the oppressive heat.

mochi let out a low whistle as he surveyed your surroundings, the shimmering heat waves distorting the landscape in the distance. "Well, that explains a lot," he remarked, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.

Koko, adjusting his sunglasses against the blinding glare of the sun, nodded in agreement. "Let's just get to the car before we all turn into puddles," he suggested, leading the way towards the waiting vehicle.

As the sun beat down on you mercilessly, Mikey's only thought was to seek refuge from the blistering heat. With determination, he made a beeline for the waiting car, his grip on your hand firm as he dragged you along in his haste.

"Let's get the hell out of this oven," Mikey exclaimed, his voice laced with urgency as he quickened his pace towards the vehicle.

You stumbled slightly, the heat causing beads of sweat to form on your brow. "I'm right behind you, just don't pull my arm off," you quipped, your tone a mix of amusement and exhaustion.

As you reached the shade of the car, Mikey wasted no time in wrenching open the door, the cool rush of air conditioning offering a welcome respite from the oppressive heat.

As they stepped into the cool embrace of the hotel lobby, the scent of fresh perfume enveloped them like a welcome embrace, a stark contrast to the heat they had just escaped. The luxurious ambiance of the place was palpable, evident in the polished marble floors and the soft glow of crystal chandeliers overhead.

Koko approached the reception desk to retrieve the room keys, and as he did, your gaze wandered around the opulent lobby. The walls were adorned with mosaic patterns, illuminated by the soft glow of ornate lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Plush velvet couches adorned with golden tassels beckoned invitingly, while the air was filled with the soothing melody of a traditional Arabian instrumental piece.

Amidst the lavish surroundings, your attention was drawn to a figure across the lobby—a distinguished-looking man, his demeanor exuding an air of wealth and sophistication. Perched upon his shoulder was a magnificent owl, its feathers shimmering in the ambient light. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight, your love for animals prompting you to approach with a gentle smile.

"Hello," you greeted the man warmly, your voice as soft as the desert breeze. "What a magnificent owl you have there. May I have the pleasure of meeting him?"

The man returned your smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in genuine warmth. "Of course," he replied graciously, offering a gloved hand for the owl to perch upon. "This is Apollo."

As Koko returned triumphantly with the keys to an entire floor, Sanzu let out a low whistle, his eyebrows shooting up in disbelief.

"Did you just book the whole damn hotel?" he exclaimed.

Koko grinned proudly, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "I did" he declared, tossing the keys up in the air before catching them. "I figured we deserved a little luxury after all the shit we've been through."

"Hey there, beautiful," you cooed, your voice soft and inviting as you extended a hand towards the owl. "Aren't you just the most magnificent creature?"

As the group made their way towards the elevator, Mikey walked ahead, his thoughts elsewhere. Absentmindedly, he reached out for your hand, only to find it conspicuously absent.

Turning to search for you, the group spotted you standing a little apart from them, engaged in conversation with the well-dressed businessman and his owl. They couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the sight, wondering what had captivated your attention so completely.

Kakucho called out to you, breaking your focus on the bird. With a warm smile, you bid farewell to the businessman and his owl, gracefully making your way back to the group.

"Sorry 'bout that, guys," you said, joining them with a sheepish grin. "Couldn't resist sayin' hello to such a majestic creature."

Mikey simply raised an eyebrow, "Let's get a move on though. We need to settle in and catch some damn rest after that long-ass flight."

F R E A K S (Tokyo revengers Bonten x reader)Where stories live. Discover now