Babysitting. 👶🏻

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quick a/n :

In which you and chris babysit your little cousin.

y/n and chris are dating.

when I hit 25 chaps and then im taking a break (making a new book) but coming back to this one

location in story: y/n's house.

enjoy !


*y/n's pov*

I woke up getting a text from my aunt saying I needed to babysit my little cousin for the night starting at 2. Chloe loves coming over and seeing me and chris. Especially chris..she loves chris with all of her heart, more than me! I mean, chloe is almost 4 so that's how she is.

I got off my phone and saw chris still sleeping next to me.

"Wake up hun." I said tapping chris's shoulder lightly.

He immediately started to wake up.

"Morning." He mumbled to me while rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, chloe is coming over today." I say smiling.

"Ok. What time?" He says.

"2pm." I say.

"What time is it right now?" He asks before closing his eyes.

I check my phone, "1:32." I say smiling.

"Damn, I slept long." He says opening his eyes again and raising up.

"Mmmhmmm." I say mumbling to him.

"I'm gonna get ready." He says as he gets up and comes over to kiss me.

"Ok. Me to, in a minute." I say.

After chris is done getting ready I get ready. I then hear a ding from my phone to see it's my aunt.

"They're on their way." I say walking over to chris from the bathroom.

"Ok." He smiles then looks back at his phone.

~ time skip ~

I hear a faint knock at the door and run downstairs to open it.

I open the door to see my little cousin with her dad.

"Heyyy chlo bird" I say smiling as I pick her up.

"Thank you mr. davis." I say.

"Anytime, thank you to. See you soon chloe!" He says shutting the door.

"Hey honey!" I say smiling at her.

"Hey y/n" she says smiling.

"Where's chrissyyyy!" She says squirming out of my arms and onto the ground.

"Let me see!" I say getting out my phone to text Chris she wants to see him.

"He's coming chlo. Let's turn on some bluey while we wait I say going into the living room.

"Yayy!" She says with a cute jump.

I hear footsteps coming from upstairs.

"He's cominnn!" I say smiling at her.

"Yay." She says jumping over to the stairs to see chris.

"Heyyy chrissy." She says with a laugh.

"Heyy big girl." He says picking her up.

"Can we play barbies?" She says.

"I think y/n is going to make some lunch, what about after?" He says smiling.

"Yay ok!" She says laughing.

"Ok, let's watch some bluey." He says putting her down by the couch.

"I'll go make some lunch now." I say getting up.

*Chris's pov (time skip)*

I hear y/n call us over into the kitchen to eat.

"Mmm smells good." Chloe says.

"Mhm." I say as me and Chloe walk into the kitchen.

I pick up Chloe to put her in her little chair to eat in.

~ time skip ~

"chrisssy, y/n can we go to sleep im tired" chloe says

"of course." me and chris say to chloe as I pick her up.

"really tired?" i ask chloe as she yawns.

"mmmhmm." She says with a nod.

"ok let's get some sleepys." i say walking up the stairs into the kids room.

I put her on her bed as I look in the drawer for some pjs for her to wear.

"Here." I say giving them to y/n for her to change chloe.

"Ok chloe let's get some pjs on for bed." Y/n say smiling as I take her shirt off.

"There you go!" She says smiling at her after putting her shirt on.

"Time for pants!" She says laughing.

Y/n takes off her pants and change her.

"Ok, sleep tight chlo bird. Don't let the bed bugs bite!" I say walking over to chloe to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Nighty night." She says bringing up her covers over her.

Me and y/n begin to walk out of chloes room.

~ time skip till the morning ~

I wake up with a slight headache and look over my shoulder to see y/n awake on her phone.

"Morning love." She says smiling at me.

"Morning. Chloe awake?" I ask.

"Nope, not yet. Her parents are about to be on their way though so we need to wake her up and change her." She says.

*y/n's pov*

"I just got upppp" chris whines.

"You can sleep longer, I'll wake up Chloe." I say getting up to go get chloe.

I get up and walk to chloes room to see if she's awake.

I see her sleeping soundly as I walk in.

"Chlo bird, wake up. Your parents are almost here." I say smiling.

"Hey y/n, where is chrissyy?" She says yawning

"In my room, you'll see him in a bit, let's get your stuff." I say smiling.

"Ok y/n" she says getting off of the bed.

"You can go see him right now." I say with a smile.

"Yay!" She says jumping and then going to my room.

*chris's pov*

I hear footsteps running up to the door and hearing it open.

"Hey chrissssyyy!" Chloe says.

"Hey chlo bird." I say getting up hugging her.

"I gotta leave. I love you chrissy" she says giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"Love you hon." I say watching Chloe leave the room.

*y/n's pov*

I hear a knock on the front door downstairs and run down with chloe to open it. It's her parents.

"Thank you again y/n. And tell Chris I said thanks." Her mom says.

"Of course anytime. Thanks for bringing her." I say smiling at them.

"Bye chloe honey!" I say before shutting the door.


a/n :

this was cute!

hope you enjoyed and tysm for the reads.

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