Chapter 1-10

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1.Chapter 1
Tang Shi stared at the phone without blinking. When he saw the sentence "Tang Shi was eventually sent abroad by the Duan family and could never return to China," he blinked and continued to turn the pages.

In a novel, she happened to meet a vicious female protagonist with the same name as her. Tang Shi only said "what a coincidence", but there were no emotional ups and downs. Instead, she followed the emotional ups and downs experienced by the heroine, and she wished she could go in and beat her up. "Tang poetry"!

In fact, what "Tang Shi" did did not live up to the standard of her vicious female supporting role. Moreover, the author's writing style is good, the plot is first-rate, and the character creation is even better. It is no wonder that Tang Shi is so deeply involved in the drama.

The novel "Rebirth of Ninety Little Happiness" is full of nonsense, but who made the author write it well? The routine has been popular since ancient times. The reason why Tang Shi read this novel was just because she had encountered a bottleneck in her writing recently and could not hold back a single word. Tang Shi's way of decompressing it was to read novels online.

The book store happened to recommend this book, so Tang Shi clicked in with a dispensable mentality. The result was out of control. In addition to eating and resting on time, she read from nine this morning to nine in the evening, reading with gusto. , even if there is a female character with the same name as her in the book, it cannot stop her enthusiasm.

Tang Shi has a habit of reading books that can't be said to be good or bad, that is, she reads books too carefully, whether they are high-end literary classics or fast-paced online novels on the Internet, so after reading for so long, she only saw the middle part.

After reading a few more chapters, the alarm clock rang. Tang Shi quickly turned to the ending and saw "Su Xiao and Gu Li entered the wedding hall with everyone's blessings." After exhaling, Tang Shi put down the phone without any nostalgia and lay down. When sleeping in bed, she has a regular schedule, and she will not disrupt her schedule just because she reads a novel.

When she fell into a dark and sweet dream, Tang Shi thought, is it possible to be so fascinated by reading a novel? Get up tomorrow and continue reading...

"Oh, this kid is so pitiful."

"Who says it's not the case? The whole family is gone, and the little girl is left alone. I don't know what to do in the future."

Who is speaking? Tang Shi was in a daze when she heard someone talking next to her. It was impossible for her editor to come over at this time, right? I guess it was a dream?

Tang Shi turned over and buried her head in the quilt. The alarm clock she set had not yet gone off. It was still early and she wanted to continue sleeping for a while.

"Doctor! The patient is awake!"

This shout immediately woke Tang Shi up!

wrong! Tang Shi opened her eyes suddenly, and the first thing that entered her eyes was the pale ceiling, and she was lying on the hospital bed... Tang Shi quickly touched her left chest. With this touch, she noticed something was wrong, her heart. It runs well, is punchy and rhythmic.

Because of her hurried movements just now, her heartbeat was a little too fast. Tang Shi took a deep breath slowly, calmed down, and thought of what was wrong, her heart?

Is this her heart?

Tang Shi was surprised, but years of habits prevented her from being impulsive and causing emotional ups and downs. She just lay quietly on the bed, opened her eyes and thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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