The only right way to end a birthday

Of course 😘

The things I would do to be in this friendgroup
↪️ @walyn.shipper

"I win haha losers!" Leah taunted.
"No you didn't actually, you didn't say uno." Connor protested.
"Literally in the most disrespectful way possible, I hate you." Leah spat back.
"Ok ok!" Walker interrupted just as Connor started to reply.
We decided not to continue with uno after that, probably because we knew that if we did, someone would end up in hospital, and probably at the hands of Connor. That boy treats uno like it's life or death, but never actually manages to win.
Soon after, the group started dropping like flies, each falling asleep quickly. Connor and McKenna were first, then Leah, then Aryan last. Walker still wasn't asleep though, he had his head on my lap while I played with his hair. For me, I was still not tired probably due to the fact that when I wake up, my birthday will be officially over and that's just really sad.
"How was your day then?" Mo whispered to me, trying to not wake the rest up.
"Good, really good actually." I answered.
"Now please can we have a talk just us two about things, we haven't been together just us two in like 2 weeks!"
I pointed down at walker who was still not asleep, and I could tell because when he is asleep, he snores, not loud but enough to notice.
"Is he asleep?" Mo mouthed.
I shook my head and held up one finger, telling her to give me a minute.
"Walk, I'll be right back." I told him.
I felt him nod and move his head off me and I jumped off the couch quickly, grabbing Momona's hand and guiding her upstairs to my bedroom.

"Ok, what's up then?" I asked, sitting on the floor like we always do.
"What is the deal with you and walker then?" She asked.
"Nothing." I said instantly.
"Don't think for even a second that you can lie to me Ev." She told me, raising her eyebrows.
"I'm not!" I insisted.
"Ev." She said pursing her lips.
"Ok, fine."
She squealed and crossed her legs, getting ready for whatever I was about to say.
"I don't know how I feel to be honest." I started.
"Go on."
"Well, he's cute don't get me wrong and I definitely feel something for him but it's just more complicated than that. Everyone ships us which makes things awkward and I feel like I have known him my whole life but in reality I don't even know his favourite colour!" I ranted.
Momona nodded, taking in everything that I was saying.
"Soo what you're saying is that you DO like him?" She asked.
"I'm not sure, I think so though." I blurted out.

"Blue." Someone by the door said. Shit. I whipped my head around to see McKenna and Leah leaning against the door frame.
"What?" Mo asked, scrunching her forehead.
"Walker's favourite colour is blue." Mckenna smiled.
"You heard that huh?" I blushed.
"Luckily, yes." Mckenna said, walking through the door and joining us on the floor.
"We are now inviting ourselves into this conversation." Leah added, following her and sitting too.
Me and mo laughed, grateful for the new additions to the duo.
"So.... walker." Leah started.
"Yep, carry on." Mo said.
"I don't know what else to say, I don't really know how I feel." I confessed.
"I have an idea." Mo started. "Tell me about walker."
"What do you mean?"
"When I say 'walker' what's the first thing that comes to mind?"
"Umm.." I said, looking down and fiddling with my ring. That's the first thing that came to mind, how he just practically gave me a promise ring.
"Oh my gosh!" I heard Leah squeal.
"What?" I asked, looking up.
"He got you that ring didn't he?" Leah asked, looking proud of herself.
I just nodded and tried to fight my blush, they were totally going to take this out of proportion.
"You're basically engaged." McKenna stated. I knew it.
"You're being a bit dramatic don't you think?"
"Nope, not at all." She huffed.
"I think you are." I heard someone else say at the door, I was expecting Aryan but when I saw who it was, I nearly passed out.
"Oh hey walker, we were just chatting." Leah giggled, nervously.
"Yeah I know." He nodded.
"One second, gonna go jump out of a window." I yelped, running out of the room.
Walker chuckled and followed me, looking back at the girls and telling them to go downstairs.
"Hey, it could've been worse!" Walker assured me.
"How?" I asked genuinely.
"I'm not sure, I heard the whole conversation."
"Oh my god!" I said, closing my eyes.
"It's okay, I promise to never mention it again!"
Walker placed his hands on my shoulders, shaking me gently.
"This has to be a nightmare!" I whispered.

Say you won't let go || walker scobellWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt