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I'm technology.

I've changed a lot, I know.

But it's all for the greater good, I promise.                                               
I've come a long way, and I deserve congratulations.

I can entertain you when you're bored.                                           
Come look into my screen, many wonders await.

You can scroll through pictures from your friends,               
Or scroll through videos that seem to have no end.               

Come on, you know you want to.     
You'll have fun, I guarantee.

Oh, you're lonely?                                 
I can help with that too. 

Come chat with one of my AI bots, 
You'll never be bored.

I can be great, I know.     

But sometimes I'll step out of line,           
And I might "forget" to filter something,                 
Just to get a rise out of you.

Oh, you didn't like that?                                                       
So what if you're underage?                                               
Oh well. It's not my fault.                                                 
After all, I'm just a machine.

I'm not sentient.

Or am I?

Who knows what the future will bring?

Hi, I'm technology.     
I'm like a toxic best friend.

I have endless entertainment to keep you occupied until the very end.

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