Chapter 1 - Not really a hugger

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I couldn't believe this. I had always known that Harry and Cho were close, but I had assumed it was a relationship like the one he had with Hermione. Just a light-hearted friendship, nothing more. On top of that, I had to find out from Lavender Brown and she was probably only telling me to try and get in my good books, for my brother of course. Harry had always made jokes and throwaway comments that "If Cedric didn't take her to the ball, best believe I would" or "You do that again and I'm going to Cho". Predicted the future he must have done. As I made my way to the Great Hall for the first time in days, I knew I would have to see his face again. Probably eating hers. My footsteps echoed down the hallway as I walked in silence. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. I had reached the huge wooden doors. It was now or never. I pushed hard on them before they began to creak their way open. Knowing I would get stares from almost everyone, I kept my head down and sat at the nearest possible seat on what I knew was the Gryffindor table. Wary to raise my head, I flicked my eyes up momentarily to see Neville. I breathed a sigh of relief. As I lifted my head to make sure his full face was in view, I noticed the look of remorse that was there.

"How are you Ginny?" Neville asked me, trying to reassure me.

"I'm fine Nev, just please don't ask about it" I muttered as I searched the section of our table for any food I would enjoy.

"I promise, I wont ask" Neville replied as he lifted his hand of mine and went to pick up his fork.

Me and Neville sat in silence the rest of breakfast. I enjoyed it. Just being able to sit down and eat my food. The murmurs around calmed me. From what I could hear my name was only mentioned a few times, rarely in the same sentence as Cho's or Harry's. I thought I had managed to escape this ordeal, just for breakfast. However, as soon as I left my peaceful environment in the great hall, I realized that was not the case. After leaving the Halls and heading to my dorm, I caught the view of Harry dragging Cho into a broom cupboard. The emotions came rushing back. I couldn't do this. I needed to get to my dorm. I rushed through crowds of students as the tears began to flow.

"GINNY!" Someone called from behind me.


"GINNY!" I screamed up the staircase as her beautiful orange hair weaved its way through the hoards of students.

After realizing I wasn't going to get her from just shouting, I decided to go after her. Pushing my way through the Gryffindor first years I managed to slip into the common room just before the painting closed. Knowing there was only one place she could be I bounded up the stairs heading for her dorm. I had no worries of bursting through her door, as I already knew all her dorm buddies had lessons. As the door swung open, I spotted Ginny curled up in a ball tucked under the blanket. It killed me seeing her like this, she was one of the kindest girls I knew and she has not deserved to be treated the way she has these past few weeks. I wasn't going to let her stay like this.

"Get up" I said as leant my weight against the doorframe, forcing the door to fully open.

"Go away Mione" Ginny sniffled as she curled up tighter.

"You don't deserve to feel like this Ginny" I slowly made my way towards her bed, and sat down next to her, "Please sit up"

This time she did what I said, and sat up as she brushed away the tears that glided down her cheeks. Before I could say anything she pulled me into a tight hug, I had never been the hugger type. Not even with my parents. The only person I would ever let hug me was Ginny.

"It's alright" I spoke as I rubbed her head that was currently resting on my shoulder, "Everything will be alright"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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