Mom wakes me up after peeing herself

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I woke up to Mom shaking my arm. I sat up and flipped on my light. My 35-year-old mother was holding her crotch. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened please help! I just peed my jammies and my bed. I need your help to clean it up quickly!" She said in an embarrassed tone. She was in a tight white tank top and tight pajama shorts. The front of her shorts were wet. We both walked to her bedroom and I helped her take the sheets off and attempt to dry the mattress. "Mom I'll go put these in the wash. Why don't you hop in the shower and clean off." I said. She seemed dazed but nodded, and headed toward her bathroom. I rushed her sheets down into the washer and came up for her jammies. I knocked on the door. "Mom I can take your clothes now too." I said through the door. Wrapped in a towel, Mother handed me her shorts tank top, and underwear which were soaked. I took them and walked downstairs to put them in the wash. I tried not to ogle her gorgeous Victoria's Secret pink polka dot and striped panties. I placed them in the wash and ran back upstairs. "Sweetie um er I forgot to get a change of clothes can you get some out. I'll be out in 15 min." Mom called. I didn't answer as i was still distracted trying to dry the mattress. I heard the shower come on and her close the curtain. I did what I could for the mattress. Turning around to acquire clothes for mom i opened a drawer looking for shirts or something. I froze when I saw what they were... My moms panties! All of a sudden i was very very aroused. My dick was growing in my shorts. I couldn't help myself, i rifled through every single pair. I knew it was wrong. But then i had a very naughty idea.. i took out the pair that looked the cutest and wrapped it on my dick. after a few minutes i felt the orgasm build. I rubbed and rubbed not caring if i got caught. It felt too good and suddenly i was cumming all over my mom's panties. Panicking I cleaned up with her panties and ran downstairs to throw them in the washer. I came back upstairs picked out another pair of panties a bra a tank top and another pair of shorts and laid them on the bed and left.

But the next morning i didn't wake up early. When I did wake up, my eyes flew open. I got out of bed quickly, remember I was supposed to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer. When I got there I discovered that mom already had put them in the dryer and started it. it only had 23 minutes left. Leaving the laundry room I walked into the kitchen. Mother was there cooking and glanced over. "Glad to see you awake. I cooked breakfast. And thank you for last night. You were busy last night. Thanks for the help". She said in an odd tone. She sounded embarrassed. Something else was in her tone but i ignored it. "Yeah i just hope you're doing well mom. You had me worried." I said, grabbing a bowl and filling it with cereal. "I've been feeling odd at night and i may call the doctor if it doesn't go away. I don't have work this week so that's a blessing." She said. She took the eggs off the stove and put them in a bowl. "Eggs are ready dear"

"Ok I'll get a bit after my cereal" i replied. The rest of the day passed quickly. Mom decided to go lay down and i was chilling on the couch. Three episodes into my show and i thought I heard something. I paused the tv and heard crying from my moms room. I rushed up stairs. I got to her door and it was cracked so i walked in. She was crying in her sleep! I rushed to her side gently shaking her. Then i heard a hissing sound.. like a hose.. I shook mom's arm a little harder. It took her a minute or two to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open and suddenly I smelled pee. Mom had just pissed herself right in front of me! I threw off the covers and top sheet saving them from any wetness. But she was soaked and her bottom sheet was very soaked. Mom looked confused then surprised then she burst into tears. I helped her up not knowing what else to do. I never knew mom to cry like this. I helped her to the bathroom and sat her on the edge of the tub. She didn't move and just was crying. I grabbed towels and tried to clean up the bed the best I could. I put the sheets in the wash but i could tell the mattress was soaked. i left it and went to mom. Her eyes were crying but she made no sound. The eyes were unfocused. "Mom? Erm mom we have to get you out of your clothes, they are soaked." I said.

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