Part 2

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In the hallowed halls of Azure University, a prestigious institution renowned for its academic excellence, a new professor arrived with an air of mystery surrounding her. Her name was Mrs. Alvarez, and whispers about her cold demeanor preceded her arrival. Students and faculty alike were curious about the woman behind the rumors, wondering what kind of professor she would be.

On the first day of classes, as the sun cast long shadows across the campus, Mrs. Alvarez strode into the lecture hall with an aura of authority. Her dark eyes surveyed the room, sharp and calculating, as she took in the sea of expectant faces before her.

With a voice as cold as ice, Mrs. Alvarez began to introduce herself "Good morning, class," Mrs. Alvarez said, her voice crisp and commanding. "I am Mrs. Alvarez, your new Spanish teacher. Today, we will begin by getting to know each other. I want each of you to stand up, state your name, and tell me something interesting about yourself."

There was no warmth in her tone, no trace of kindness in her words. She spoke of her impressive credentials, her extensive research in her field, and her uncompromising standards for academic excellence.

The students shifted uneasily in their seats, feeling the weight of Ms. Alvarez's gaze upon them. One by one, they rose to their feet, nervously introducing themselves to their formidable new instructor.

"I'm Emily," one student said, her voice trembling slightly. "I love to travel, and I've always wanted to visit Spain."

"Hi, I'm Jacob," another student chimed in, trying to sound confident. "I play soccer, and I'm hoping to improve my Spanish skills so I can communicate better with my teammates."

As each student spoke, Mrs. Alvarez listened intently, her expression impassive. She made mental notes of their names and interests, filing away the information for future reference.

Meanwhile each student stood up,Delilah was mesmerized by her teachers beauty,she almost forgot it was her turn until a girl next to her nudged her with her elbow on the ribs and she snappedout of her little trance.She stood up "Hello i'm Delilah,interesting things about me are i paint,listen to music,nothing interesting really."After she sat down,Mrs.Alvarez eyes lingered a few more seconds and finally looked away.While Delilah was thinking a complete different thing.Could it be her? She thought.

Delilah was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear Mrs.Alvarez call her name "Señorita Evergreen, ¿podrías por favor prestar atención a lo que estoy aprendiendo y no perderte en tus pensamientos, por favor?"Ms.Alvarez says a bit upset by her student's lack of attention.Delilah just nodded and the woman replied "Gracias."

As the lesson goes on and on by the time the lesson ended the students were sure to behave in Ms.Alvarez class.Just as Delilah was about to get out of the class Mrs.Alvarez called her name."Ms.Stormborn could i have a talk with you?"Mrs.Alvarez asks and Delilah nods.

"I heard that an interesting fact about you is that you paint and even though it may be my first day here my ears catched your name a few times and people always talked about how good you pain,so i wanted to ask if you could do a drawing of someone for me,i'll give you a picture of her?"Mrs.Alvarez asks Delilah,and the younger woman is surprised by the woman's odd request but either way she accepted and just gives her a nod.

"You can give me her picture now if you have it because my next class is art so i can make it now if you want."Delilah says and the older woman just smiles a bit and reaches in her bag and gets a picture out of it,it's a woman,blonde hair and blue eyes,only her side of her face showing,she is in a beach and only wearing a bikini.Delilah is mesmerized by the woman's beauty,but Mrs.Alvarez beauty is on another level.

"Thanks Ms.Stormborn but please make sure you keep it safe it's a very dear picture to me."Mrs.Alvarez says and the younger woman just nods.Delilah takes the picture from her professor's hand and puts it in her bag.

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