In most cases the exact opposite of humans. He himself has had a few relationships not last or lonely hook-ups with no emotional attachment.

"Can I ask you something? It might be too personal, I don't want to step over a boundary."

Neuvillette looked up at him finally making eye contact and slowly nodded his head. "I want to know more about dragon nature"

"You mean like our backstory or abilities?" Wriothesley smiled nervously "Not exactly... I want to know more about your dragon nature in relationships."

Although he didn't say it out loud all Neuvillette could think of was 'oh'. That was the last thing he'd thought he would discuss today.

"I understand if that's not something you'd like to discuss with me." "No, it's quite alright. I just didn't expect that."

Neuvillette composed himself. He could feel his cheeks turning red but tried to not focus too much on it. "What exactly do you want to know?"

Wriothesley thought, he didn't know much but what he did know was that dragons mate for life and that they 'mark' each other as a sign for others to fuck off.

In human nature it would be something like marriage except people haven't learnt to close their legs to married women/men.

"I did a bit of reading and I was wondering what exactly is a 'mark'?"

Neuvillette became certainly more nervous when Wriothesley said he's done his research. Just what exactly was he going to ask him?

"Well it's a sign of courtship. Although humans can't see it other dragons or non-human beings for that matter can sense it. It's simply a bite mark."

Neuvillette explained it simply and that's what Wriothesley figured it meant. So if humans can't see it, they can still get married right?

"Would I be able to mark you or is that just a dragon thing?" Neuvillette let out what Wriothesley could only describe as a squeak.

If his face wasn't already red he definitely was now out of pure embarrassment.

"W-well.. We dragons have something called a scent mark in our neck. Our partner then bites down on that to mark their scent. It's how we know if someone is without a partner or not. I would assume so. But humans and dragons have never been that intimate so I wouldn't know."

"Intimate?" Wriothesley wondered. "Yes.. When marking someone it's a sign of eternal love. But it's also usually done during... Intimacy"

'Kinky' Wriothesley thought to himself. But now that he thought about it Neuvillette being a dragon and all must have some fun kinks.

"Dragons are known for being very sexual and intimate creatures with their partner." Neuvillette couldnt believe this was the conversation he was having with Wriothesley.

He just wanted to lightly flirt with him! Not whatever this was. Though the sexual tension between them had definitely gotten stronger.

"Would it be the same if you were with me?" Neuvillette nodded, he expected it would be.

Dome dragons he's known have never been too sexual but even then there's always been something. Like heats or ceremonial things.

"Dragons mate for life, so does that mean you're a virgin?"

Neuvillette chocked on air as he looked at Wriothesley shocked. The blank face he had on told him that the Duke clearly hadn't thought how inappropriate that question really was.

"...Dragons can only ever have one mate. If something were to happen to the other there would never be another one. In more gruesome terms, if one dies the other mentally does too. Once you're marked you can't live without your partner."

Wriothesley took that as a yes to his previous question. "If you were to mark me, would it have the same effect?"

"I doubt it." He nodded. Though he would never betray his love for Neuvillette he did feel it be a bit unfair if Neuvillette were to be permanently bound to him while he'd have no way of trusting that Wriothesley would forever be his.

"Why are you so suddenly asking me this?" Neuvillette asked. "Just to prepare for the future. So exactly how sexual are we talking? I don't mind but I'd like our relationship to not be only sex"

If he wasn't suicidal before he definitely was now. Who was this imposter and what had he done with his Wriothesley??

He had expected Wriothesley to have questions but he thought he'd atleast wait till they were official if they ever were to be..

"Neuv-" "Say another word and I'll cut your tongue out" Wriothesley quickly shut up.

Wriothesley stared at the dragon as he sighed and composed himself.

"There are certain.. situations where I would need ur assistance. However I would never force you to help me. I can handle it alone as I have for hundreds of years now."

Wriothesley nodded, still not sure if he was allowed to speak or not.

"This is a highly inappropriate conversation to have. At least take me out to dinner first." Neuvillette huffed clearly annoyed. However he couldn't stop his heart from beating like a drum.

"Then.. Can I take you out to dinner?" Wriothesley asked, his cheeks flushed pink.

Mostly from embarrassment as he hadn't thought through the questions he asked before he actually asked them.

"...Yes" Wriothesleys eyes widen "Really?" "Mhm" Neuvillette hummed and nodded.

"Stop smiling like that." Wriothesley chuckled as his smile only grew larger.

"I really love you"

Neuvillette looked at the ground and despite his heart aching to say it back, he didn't.

"I know you do."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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