
I had just finished getting dressed for the club tonight, with Angel's help. He had chosen an outfit for me to wear while I did my hair and makeup. He had chosen a dark red corset top, a black miniskirt, and a pair of ripped fishnet tights. While I technically didn't have to wear shoes due to having paws, being in a club with only my paws on the floor didn't feel right. So, I wore a pair of black platformed boots that were wide enough for them to fit comfortably inside.

I wasn't exactly used to wearing clothes like this, but I felt confident enough to wear them in public. After all, no one really judged the outfit choices of people here. So, Angel and I left my room and walked down to the lobby. Laughing and joking the whole way there. And of course, what are friends without a bit of teasing.

We reached the lobby, where everyone was waiting. Somehow, it had turned from just you, Angel, and Alastor, to everyone except for Lucifer. "You know Husk is definitely gonna want a piece of you later hot stuff," I nudged his arm. A blush crept up to Angel's face which made me laugh. "What you think I'm wrong? Here, watch.." we stepped in front of the group. "Hey Husker!"

The grumpy cat demon turned his head towards my voice. I motioned to Angel with the hand closest to him. Almost immediately, Husker's cheeks and the tips of his ears flushed a bright pink. Almost as quick as he had looked in his direction, he looked away. I turned towards Angel with a smug grin to which he shoved me playfully. Apparently, my actions with Husk had been enough to tease me back.

"Yeah well with an outfit like that I don't think I'm gonna be the only one gettin' action tonight." He motioned to my body, "I mean for real babe, this look makes ya look incredibly fuckable." His compliments succeeded in bringing a natural blush to my face. I quietly mumbled for him to shut up, which had made him laugh.

Charlie had run off right as we were about to leave, so we had to wait for her to get back. No one really minded, and then something crossed my mind. It was past 8:00, meaning whoever had called me earlier had a car waiting for me right now. I excused myself from the conversation with Angel and left to find Alastor. He was the only one who knew about the call, so I figured if I asked him to get rid of the car outside he would.


Alastor POV

I hadn't been paying much attention to the others. But with all of them bunched up, it was hard for me to spot Y/N. It was incredibly irritating. Just as we were about to leave, it seemed Charlie remembered something and quickly rushed to do it. I went back to the seating area in the lobby to wait. Who knew how long this was going to take.

I heard footsteps getting closer until they eventually stopped. "Hey Alastor?" It was her! Finally! Quickly lifting myself from my seat I spun on my heel to look at her. She was looking down at the ground, 'She looks...' I swallowed hard and tried to hide the blush I could feel on my face. "Uh.. I just remembered the weird guy who called earlier. It's only 8:15 so it's possible that car is still out there..." she looked up from the floor, looking directly into my eyes. The sight had made my heart stop for a moment, "do you think you could go check and tell him I won't be going? You can just make up some kind of lie and I'm sure it'll work."

It took a moment for me to realize what she was talking about. However the second it connected, I let out a small laugh. "Of course my dear, I'll just be a moment." I gave her a reassuring smile and quickly traveled through the shadows and outside. Sure enough, a navy blue limousine was parked in front of the hotel, a man stood leaning against it. I knew who had sent for her immediately, as only one person would own something in such a vile color. 'Vox.'

My eyes flickered to radio dials and the static around me became louder, alerting the man. A black tentacle shot up from the ground and dragged the man over to me. I summoned more of them and they quickly took to destroying the vehicle.

I wrapped my hand around the man's throat, squeezing hard. "I take it Vox is the one who sent you here, my good fellow?" The stranger struggled to nod, "here for Y/N, I suppose?" Again, he nodded as he tried to free himself from my grasp.

Over the months Y/N and I have gotten closer, an overwhelming feeling began to form. I craved her in every way imaginable, yet wished to do her no harm. Seeing others around her made my blood boil. Watching her laugh and smile for anyone other than me drove wicked thoughts into my brain. Thoughts of harming the person she stood so close to, that made her laugh and smile.

While I didn't understand why exactly I started such behavior, I knew when it began. That night she had cheered me up with that marvelous picture show. After that, the urge to be the center of her attention started. And as time went by, the feeling became overwhelming.

My focus went back to the man in my grasp. "I'm afraid I can't let you take her anywhere. You see, I've grown quite fond of the lady and your pathetic excuse of a boss would be getting in my way." I tightened the grip around his neck, watching him grow more panicked. The hand around his neck continued to get tighter until the sound of multiple snaps rang through my ears and his body went limp.

A portal appeared under him and I released him from my grasp. The same happened to the limo that once was parked in front of the door. As the door opened, the portals closed and I walked to them. I began to think of the situation that had just happened as the group followed out. Y/N made eye contact with me and gave me a smile. I happily returned the gesture and walked along side her.

"Thank you for uh- handling the situation Al." She looked up at me, a kind smile across her features.

"Not a problem my dear, not a problem at all." She turned her head to look forward, yet my gaze stayed trained on her. 'Al...' the nickname rang through my ears and echoed in my brain. I could feel that heat in my cheeks again, she had made me blush more times than I ever had. Living or dead. 'Y/N, what have you awakened inside of me...' I thought to myself. Remembering the feeling of killing that driver, my heart began to beat quicker in my chest. Continuing to look at her, only one sentence came to mind. 'Y/N, my love, I will happily kill for you... I will gain your attention, I will acquire your love.'

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