Episode Six | Two truths and a lie...🤐

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Drakens POV

3 days earlier.

The ride to her place is short and scenic. Suki holds me tight, remembering to brace for the stops and squeeze tight when the bike takes off.

I'm overwhelmed with a sense of calm. The crisp night air filling my lungs. her wrapped around me as my bike races down the freeway. It feels nice.

When I offer to walk her to her door, she accepts with a smile and turns to lead the way.

She struggles a bit when the door sticks preventing her from opening until she really puts her weight into it. It seems dangerous to say the least so I'll have to fix that for her.

She steps inside her apartment and turns to face me ready to say goodbye. "Thanks for the ride, Ken."

"No need to thank me," I reassure her as she looks up at me. But the smile in her eyes fades as her phone goes off inside her bag again.

I come close to lean into the door frame, reaching to flick the underside of her chin. "Cmon. Like I'd let you take the bus... Now get inside and lock up."

I take a step back, watching for her reaction when the phone vibrates again. Sure enough, she winces a little.

This woman confounds me. Burning hot one minute and unsure the next. A smart-mouthed baddie too tough to admit when she's worried. She ignores it this time but the change in her demeanor is apparent. We stand there quietly for a moment. As if she is hesitant to close the door.

"Uh... Draken," she calls my name breaking the silence. "you like tea?" She asks lifting her eyes to mine.

"I do,"

"I can make you some... if you wanna come in that is."

I don't know what's going on with her, but I'd never leave when it's clear she doesn't want to be alone. I look down at her hands. They're nearly trembling as she plays with her keys waiting for me to answer.

"I'd love to," I tell her accepting her invitation.

She moves aside, holding the door open for me. I step inside and immediately, I feel way too big for her little cracker box of an apartment.

You can see the entire layout from the door. It goes bathroom, kitchen, then bedroom.  Nothing more than the essentials I guess. It's small, but it fits her. Just like her salon.

The walls are decorated with Marvel action figures and posters. Framed art of anime characters. Small ceramic figures on shelves and too far too many plants to count. It's like getting a glimpse into that whimsical mind of hers. So much going on at once that you don't know what to look at first.

A smile comes to my face when I turn to look at her. "Nice place," I tell her examining the door before she shuts it. "Wait, let me look at this." I mess with the lock a bit. Opening and closing it to find the spot it always catches on. "Hmm. It should be an easy fix." I'm muttering to myself as she watches me.

"What's an easy fix?" I hear her say from behind me.

"Your door. I can fix it for you if you want."

Suki smiles big, moving to double-check that the door is locked after I close it.

"Really? If you can... " She says pulling off her shoes and jacket.

"Yes really." I say trying to keep the smugness out of my tone. I'm good with my hands and never miss a chance to take on a new project. "I need my Shorty safe and this will be the best I can do since you won't come to the compound."

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