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I love Fate The Winx Saga and still mourn that we didn't get a final third season. So many questions remained unanswered after the second season. Is the woman in the tower really Bloom's mother? What's the deal with the Shadow Realm and the figure in the graveyard? Anyway, I'm also a fan of Maze Runners and Avatar - The Last Airbender. And that's how I came up with my story. Enjoy reading!

He let his gaze wander boredly across the grounds of Alfea. It was that time of year again when the school filled up for a new academic year. New students, new hopes, and all the expectations that Simon would never meet. He let out a frustrated sigh and buried himself deeper into the world of his Nintendo Switch game.

For as long as he could remember, he had been here - in Alfea, the school of fairies and specialists. His father was the headmaster of the specialists' school, and his older brother Sky was an outstanding specialist. Yet Simon felt like a misfit in this world full of magic and battles. While Sky excelled in reality, he felt most comfortable in his room, immersed in the virtual reality of his video games.

He was absorbed in his Nintendo Switch as he strolled through the corridors of Alfea. His headphones pressed tightly against his ears. For him, it was the best escape from reality he could ever imagine. He ignored the colourful figures around him, the fairies and specialists chatting in groups. However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he suddenly bumped into someone and almost fell to the ground. With an annoyed sigh, he ripped off his headphones and looked up to see who had crossed his path.

Before him stood a young woman with red hair. "Sorry," the girl mumbled and reached out a hand to help him up, "I didn't see you."

He took her hand and got up. A sudden pain shot through his forehead as he looked at her more closely. His birthmark throbbed, sending a sharp pain through his head. Reflexively, he touched his forehead.

"Are you okay?" she asked concernedly, placing a hand on his shoulder. He hastily pulled away and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he muttered, though he was anything but fine. Fortunately, a group called the teenager over.

He stood alone, his birthmark pulsating on his forehead, while around him students moved, warmly embracing their friends after the summer break and engaging in lively conversations. It was as if nobody noticed him again. Not surprising, considering he was considerably younger than the students of Alfea. The headphones hung around his neck, the game still paused in his hands. 

Unaware, Simon did not realise that this encounter with the red-haired stranger was the beginning of a journey that would change his life forever.

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