CHAPTER 4 // Late Night Gym Session

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The bell rang, indicating that first period had finally ended. Y/N began gathering his things to exit to the hallway, only to be called after by Maki.

"Y/N, do you think we could exchange numbers? I mean, obviously it doesn't have to mean anything but-"

Maki's shy rambling was interrupted by Y/N's comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Of course, Maki!" Y/N stated excitedly as he retrieved his phone from his bag and tapped it with Maki's, transferring their numbers to each of their phones respectively.

"Well, I've gotta get to second period!" Y/N said to Maki, disappointed at having to leave her so quickly but determined to cement himself as a reliable sorcerer, starting with making it to class on time.

(Time skip to 12 AM in Maki's dorm room...)

Maki thought to herself confusedly at night in her bed, tossing and turning. How come she couldn't get that stupid boy out of her head? There was nothing different about him than other people.

"Y/N, do you think we could exchange numbers? I mean, obviously it doesn't have to mean anything but-"
*End flashback*

"Shit..." Maki grumbled internally to herself. If she had to ask for his number, why did she have to be so awkward about it?

If she couldn't solve the problem, then she'd distract herself from it. Whenever Maki thought too hard about something, she could easily forget about it by blowing off some steam with an intense training session.

Maki made a mental detour. Instead of going to sleep in her dorm room, she'd go to the courtyard. That meant she had an entire outdoor gym to herself. Surely nobody else would be there at this time of night... right?

Maki quickly got out of bed to brush her teeth and take a quick shower. Though she wasn't hoping for a certain h/c male, she wanted to at least be presentable in appearance.

Since Maki would be training, she didn't see a purpose in dressing sharply. She threw on a pair of Nike pro shorts and a tight black tank top, then surveyed herself in the mirror before leaving.

 She threw on a pair of Nike pro shorts and a tight black tank top, then surveyed herself in the mirror before leaving

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JUJUTSU LOVE // MAKI ZENIN X MALE READER (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now