I like you but she does too.

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Roses are reds, violets are blue
Would my parents hate me if I liked you?
Is it my fault to feel this way?
Honestly at first I was like, "No way"

But now I'm starting to realize my feelings
To your stares, I give meanings.
Even though I know you like someone
and I would never be "The one"

What's worse is that SHE likes you
I like you but she does too
What am I compared to her?
She changed the guy you were

I tried to confess
Now I'm filled with regrets
Cause you didn't say anything.
Said "I'm just kidding"

But no, it's all real
I just can't express what I feel.
Why does it matter anyways?
I can keep on repeating my phrase

Yet I chose not to
Cause you'll never knew
How much I liked you
But SHE does too

So I'm willing to let go
For the sake of you know
Our friendship
Something I wouldn't trade for a relationship.

You see, I like you, I really do
But she feels the same towards you.
So better choose her
I should've listened to my mother.

"Loving can hurt"


Finished : ??

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