Chapter One: Called for duty (I really need a new chapter name)

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Prologue (too short for a single chapter)—

One look at me and you'll think I'm your typical person.

I mean, I sort of am. I'm still a normal soon-to-be teen that hangs out with her friends and plays video games and draws with the stereotypical nerd-like build, with glasses to finish the look and straight, curtain-like black hair. I was also remarkably short.

Oh, but that's just the surface.

I'm far stranger than you realize.

Well, you're probably wondering what on earth that secret is.

You'll find out soon enough.

eurghh....cringe X(

I don't want to edit it so much that the original plot isn't even there and as much as I'd like to change it...well, where's the fun in that? So I just did grammar stuff and sentence structure :P

"OH, COME ON!" My little sister, Sophia, barged in the room at the sound of the tinkling of a bell. "THAT'S THE FOURTH TIME TODAY!" I winced at her loud voice.

"Calm down, Soph." I muttered, putting away my sketchbook. "I'm sure it's important. Emma wouldn't call us for nothing."

"Yeah, but last time, she used the gem because of a little spider in her palace." She retorted. I shuddered. I hated spiders.

"That was an emergency." I argued. "I—this is getting us nowhere. Just get your blasted cloak on and let's go." Sophia grumbled irritably as she stomped into the hallway, where the coat rack was. I slipped a small emerald-green gem in my pocket as I followed her to the door.

Yes, I know you're dying to know. But where's the fun in that?

oh my gods what was my fifth grade brain thinking

if it even existed, that is

"You're going out again?" My mom looked up from doing the dishes. I nodded, pecking her on the cheek before grabbing my house keys and satchel.

"Just a small walk with Sophia to clear my head for homework." I replied. "We'll be back in a few."

"Alright, just be careful. There are some parts of the road that are frosted over." Her voice rose over the sound of rushing water in the sink and clanks of the ceramic dishes.

"Ok, mom! Thanks, love you, bye." I ran out the door to catch up with my hyper sister. "COME BACK, YOU MORON!" Sophie stuck her tongue at me and dashed towards the old brick wall.

"Where is it again?" She glanced at the bricks, feeling around for something. I tapped one of them with the green jewel.

"Right there." I smirked, knowing fully that it was well out of her reach. "Aperio!"

Yes, I know that's latin for open. What? I like languages. It makes everything sound cooler.

A vortex sliced through the air, opening a pocket in the wall. Sophie leaped through, and I managed to squeeze in the intergalactic window before it snapped shut.

Confused? Yeah, I guess I owe you an explanation.

I was a warrior in a parallel world, a world where the animals of the universe ruled in peace with the other species without the tainting of humans. 

How, exactly, did I discover this universe?

With an accidental faceplant, of course. How else? 

Wild cats ruled in our side of the territory, along with other felines, but we didn't come in close contact. There, conflicts with our rather large family tree. 

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