LEMON IchiRuki: Bubblegum

Start from the beginning

Orihime responded, "anything you need, we are here for you Rukia" as she put her hand on Rukia's shoulder to comfort her.

Rukia smiled pulled out her iPod and gave an earpiece to both Orihime and Tatsuki and said "this morning I was singing this song and Ichigo told me to not to and then wouldn't tell me why or what is about. He then told me to talk to you two, so what the hell is this song about, what is Ichigo not teaching me?"

Orihime and Tatsuki looked at each other and laughed, "it is no wonder Ichigo didn't want to tell you what this song was about" Tatsuki shouted.

"Why, what is about?" Rukia asked still not understanding the meaning.

"It is about a guy going down on a girl." Orhime replied.

"Going down on a girl?" Rukia said in a confused tone that matched the look on her still very confused face.

"Ichigo hasn't told you about any of this?" Tatsuki asked.

"Any of what?" Rukia yelled with her hands in the air.

"Sex!" Tatsuki answered.

"What? No, of course not!" Rukia replied.

"Really? We thought you guys were hooking up this whole?" Orhime said.

"Hooking up?" Rukia asked again confused.

"Sex, banging, fucking, sucking, kissing, any and all of the above." Tatsuki yelled.

"Shhhhh....." Rukia said as she noticed all the boys Ichigo was standing with turning around because of Tatsuki's outburst. Rukia then whispered "No! He hasn't even talked about it, never mind do any of it."

"Really? That pussy, he probably hasn't even realized his own feelings for you yet." Orihime replied.

"Ichigo has feelings for me?" Rukia asked intrigued.

Tatsuki smiled and responded "Oh ya!"

"Well, he hasn't said anything or done anything that would make me think that." Rukia replied.

Tatsuki began to explain, "Oh yes he has! You see Rukia, you came into Ichigo's life and completely changed his world."

Rukia slowly lowered her head feeling bad for completely interrupting Ichigo's life. Tatsuki grabbed her chin and made Rukia look at her, and began to speak again "Rukia, this is a wonderful thing, don't feel bad, you don't see that he has changed, because you didn't know him before. Ichigo used to walk around with a permanent scowl, be angry at anyone and everyone for no reason at all. He would get into fights almost everyday, and to be honest Rukia I don't think I have seen Ichigo smile since his mother died, he had been depressed and he hid behind a strong 'I don't give a shit' front. But, the second you came into Ichigo's life he changed, he does still where his scowl, but whenever he is with you he smiles, his body radiates happiness, he doesn't get into fights, he actually talks with people now, and this is all because of you. Rukia, he may not know it yet, but Ichigo is head over heels in love with you."

"Wow! Tatsuki you really think that is true?" Rukia asked.

Orihime and Tatsuki looked at each other and replied, "we know it is true."

Rukia immediately had a big grin on her face and asked "well can I tell you guys something?"

Tatsuki and Orihime smiled, they both knew what Rukia was about to say and in unison they said, "you like him too, don't you?"

Rukia lowered her head and tilted her eyes up and said "mmm...hmm..."

The girls looked at each other and then jumped on Rukia wrapping their arms around her neck, tackling her to the ground yelling, "Yes! This is so great! Oh my god I am so happy for you, I am so happy for him, oh my god this is so amazing!"

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