One sorry can go a long way🩷

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                                                                                         yn's pov

I see Greta walking in the bathroom so I sneak in to see what shes doing and hear her say my sisters nickname... beaver-ly.    

I sneak to the other stall with my hood up. I look under the stall and say "bev there going to pour trash on you." "ik." Bev says looking bored "run!" I say in a whisper yell "ok ok" shes says slipping under the stall 

I wait tell gretta and her goons leave and open the stall door and meet with bev at the side entrance. We see a boy I'm pretty sure he's the new kid "you gonna let us through or is  there some kind of password." Bev says looking at the kid "oh sorry" the new boy says moving a little "sorry's not a-." bev says as we watch the kid drop his stuff "-password." bev finish's "btw I'm  Beverly marsh and this is my sister y/n marsh" Bev says introducing the both of us "yea ik your in my social studies class, btw I'm Ben" Ben says to introduce  himself "btw henry and his goons are at the west entrance" bev says "I'm gonna go byee" I say with a smile "bye" Ben and bev say together

I walk away looking down 

                                                                     5 minutes later

 I keep walking intel I bump into someone "s-shit s-s-orry" a boy with brownish hair says he's with a tall boy with black hair and big glasses and one with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes  and one with dirty blonde hair "no it's my fault sorry" I say quickly Then I see Henry bowers,belch,Patrick and Victor. Patrick knocks down the one with glasses which makes the one with dirty blonde hair fall to they laugh and go to walk away and I go try to help up the two boys that fell "you s-suck b-b-bowers" the one that I bumped into said "say something b-b-billy you got a free ride because of your little brother but rides over denbrough" he says licking his hand and rubs it in his face 

The boy I bumped into looks at me and says "btw I-i'm bill this is E-e-eddie" he sayings pointing to the one with dark brown eyes and hair "th-that's Stan" he says pointing to the one with dirty blonde hair "and th-that's R-r-richie" he says pointing to the one with glasses "hi" Eddie says "ello m'lady" Richie says in a terrible british accent "hello'' Stan says with a smile "hello" I say. 

I look over my shoulder and see Beverly "it was nice meeting you but I have to go bye see you around." I say smiling "see ya btw what's your name " all of them say "yn marsh" I yell as I turn around

                                                                               bills pov

i bump into a tall/short girl "s-shit s-s-sorry" I say turning around "no its my fault sorry"


a/n: I'm skipping this scene on bills pov bc I don't wanna write all of It again 😂

"she was hot" Richie says grinning " that-s w-w-weird r-r-Richie" I says "but kinda t-tu-true"bill says blushing "owh bills got a crush" Stan says "w-w-w-whatever we m-meet to-tomorrow a-at the b-b-barrens

                                                                  word count: 549 

                                                                ⭐ to be continued

A/N this is not so good bc its my first time writing a story

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