Chapter One

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You have to go on this date. Trust me he’s a really good guy” my friend Myra yelled out at me. I wasn’t interested at all and she knew it she’d been bugging me for months to go on a date with this guy but after walking in on the guy I loved since high school screwing the varsity cheer captain who use to be one of my friends. They had both shown me that love might not be worth it. I was done with love I was in veterinarian school and i was enjoying my life and my part-time job I was extremly lonely but i wasnt gotta settle for less i wanted a man who would put me before anything.

“YOU TURNING 22! It’s time to move on. I know he hurt you, but you deserve love as well, plus you need to lose that V-Card “. I heard her laugh after she had just gotten done screaming at me. I turned to look at my friend and decided to give in “ If I go on this date, will you stop bugging me because this is annoying I love you, but no more setting me up. Promise?”

She looked over at me “Yes I promise but please give it a try you know I’m worried about you since I’m going back to Washington tomorrow” she tells me I could tell she was upset leaving me but she needed to get back to family and we would see each other during the summer.

As I zipped up the back of my purple dress, the fabric hugging my curves just right, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with nervous anticipation. Tonight was the night I had been waiting for – a chance to go on a date with someone who i had been told was someone who had the potential to break through the walls I had built around my heart.

Standing in front of the mirror, I assessed my reflection with a critical eye. The dress, a shade of deep purple that mirrored the twilight sky, seemed to accentuate the warmth of my skin and the depth of my eyes. Yet, as much as I tried to focus on my outward appearance, my thoughts kept drifting to the inner pain within me.

Would he like me? Would he see past the scars of my past relationships and truly understand the woman standing before him? I couldn’t shake the nagging doubts that gnawed at the edges of my confidence.

But then, a flicker of determination sparked within me. Tonight, I vowed to let go of the insecurities that held me back, to embrace the possibility of love with an open heart. For too long, I had allowed fear to dictate my actions, to keep me from taking risks and pursuing happiness.

Adjusting a stray lock of hair, I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. Tonight wasn’t just about a date – it was about reclaiming my sense of self-worth about daring to believe that love was within reach once more.

With one last glance in the mirror, I smiled, the reflection staring back at me radiating a quiet confidence. Stepping into the night, I knew that whatever the evening held in store, I was ready to embrace it with all the courage and vulnerability that love demanded. My friends had set me up with a guy named Ethan, who they claimed was charming and funny. I hoped they were right.

As I walked into the restaurant, my heart raced with anticipation. I scanned the room, searching for someone who might fit the description my friends had given me. Suddenly, a tall man with dark hair caught my eye. He was sitting alone at a table, looking just as nervous as I felt. I took a deep breath and approached him.

“Hi, are you Ethan?” I asked, trying to sound confident.

He looked up at me, his eyes widening in surprise. “Oh, uh, yes. You must be Zora,” he stammered.

I smiled, relieved that I had found the right person. “Nice to meet you, Ethan.”

We sat down and began making small talk, trying to break the ice. But as the conversation progressed, I couldn’t help but notice that something was off. Ethan seemed distant, constantly checking his phone and barely making eye contact. I tried to brush it off, thinking maybe he was just nervous like me.

As we ordered our food, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and engage him in a deeper conversation. “So, Ethan, tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living?”

He hesitated for a moment before answering, “Oh, I’m actually between jobs right now. I'm just taking some time off to figure things out.”

I nodded, understanding that everyone goes through uncertain periods in their lives.

But as the night went on, it became clear that Ethan’s lack of enthusiasm wasn’t due to his job situation. He barely asked me any questions about myself, and when he did, it felt forced and insincere.

Feeling disappointed, I excused myself to go to the restroom.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn’t help but wonder why my friends had thought Ethan would be a good match for me. I splashed some water on my face, hoping it would wash away my disappointment.

When I returned to the table, Ethan was engrossed in his phone, completely oblivious to my presence. I cleared my throat, trying to get his attention. He looked up, startled, and quickly put his phone away.

“I’m sorry, Zora. I’ve just been dealing with some personal issues,” he apologized, his voice lacking sincerity.

I sighed, realizing that this blind date was not going as planned. “Ethan, it’s okay if you’re not feeling it. We can just call it a night.”

He nodded, relief washing over his face. “Thank you for understanding, Zora . I’m really sorry.”

As we walked out of the restaurant, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of disappointment and relief.

The blind date had gone horribly wrong, but at least I had realized it early on. I knew that finding love wasn’t always easy, but I was determined not to settle for anything less than genuine connection.

As we turned the corner, a masked gunman suddenly appeared before us, demanding our valuables. Fear gripped my heart as I saw the glint of the gun in his hand. I clutched tightly to Ethan’s arm, my eyes wide with terror. We had no choice but to comply.

With trembling hands, I handed over my purse. The masked man’s eyes darted between us, his voice filled with menace. “Don’t try anything foolish,” he warned, his voice muffled by the mask. At that moment, Ethan decided to slowly back up. Once he saw the robber was distracted, he took off running down the alley. You gotta be fucking kidding meI thought too myself. I heard the gun click and all I heard before everything went silent was the click of the gun pressed against my head.

Locked In LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora