The day I helped someone

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It was once a peaceful day outside. The sun shined brighter since yesterday. It's a pain in the ass but it's fine, Ike will just ignore the constant days that the sun shined on Ike's eyes.

Oh, should I repeat my sentence? It WAS once a peaceful day outside. Suddenly, it started raining while Ike was heading to his house. Ugh, more pain in the ass, thank goodness Ike brought his umbrella just in case. Ike simply opened up his umbrella and continued walking straight to his house until he saw a man. Ike decided to stop for a moment and started walking towards the stranger.

"Hey, are you doing good?" Ike let out a hand to the stranger with a concerned face. The man looked up to Ike. He was the most beautiful person Ike had ever seen. His sunset like eyes fit his unique features, his soft-like brownish-gray hair, Ike couldn't explain how much he thinks this man would be a perfect model. "... Funny, because I'm not." The beautiful stranger replied softly, though he looked like he was having a hard time. He still wanted to keep a smile on his face for Ike.

"Do you need a place to stay? It's still raining. You know, my house is nearby." Ike offered to the man, looking at him with a soft smile across his face. "Really? You would seriously help a random stranger like me? What if behind this smile of mine lies harmful acts that I might plan to do on you?"

After the man said that, Ike's mind never changed one bit. This was someone in need of some help. What kind of person Ike would be if he were not to help out? Of course, he would want to help this beautiful stranger. "What do you think? Hm?" The stranger asked again. "I don't mind." Ike replied.

"... Huh?" The sunset-like eyes glared at Ike with confusion. Why would this person want to help me? The man wondered. "You heard me. Now, let's go and warm up to my house, alright?" Ike said softly, still having that same smile on his lips. Though the stranger was hesitant at first, but, something changed his mind. ".. Sure, lead the way."


Mysta doesn't remember clearly of how this happened in the first place, all he remembers is one moment he's cold, and now he's following an stranger that decided to help him out by warming him up. Don't get me wrong, of course I'm nervous about this! Anyway, despite just meeting the man, whom he doesn't know the name of, he doesn't quite sense any danger from him, which is good. Wait- snap out of it, Mysta! This is a total stranger, with information that you don't know of! You can't just automatically sense danger. What are you, a dog?

"Um.. are you okay?" The man with blue tips asked Mysta. Maybe I should've stopped talking to myself. Really great, Mysta! You just looked like an idiot! Stupid, stupid, stupid stupid.. "Hello..?" The man waved in front of Mysta's face till he snapped out of it. "Ah.. sorry, I just don't know how to feel about this.. event? Is that what you call it?" Mysta explained nervously, scared if he said the wrong words or not. "No, it's totally fine." Are you sure it's fine... "I, too, would get a bit nervous if I was just following a person that I've just met..."

Mysta sighed while smiling. "Good to hear that.." Mysta replied. Maybe this person isn't that bad.? "Also," Mysta spoke once again, "What's your name? You know.. I need some names because I am following a total stranger.." Mysta looked somewhere else, feeling awkward that he worded that wrong to the point the man with blue highlights might've taken that wrong. "I-I mean.. no offence, please don't kill me." Mysta quickly corrected himself with a clear voice, till the last 4 words came to be, that's when Mysta mumbled, so the man wouldn't hear what he had just said.

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