Study Buddies

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Blaise Zabini and Amelia Blackwood have always made a great study team. From the moment they were paired together for a fourth-year assignment, they clicked in a way that surpassed mere academic compatibility. Their minds intertwined effortlessly, their thoughts merging into a seamless flow of ideas and insights. It was as if they were two halves of the same whole.

But it wasn't just their intellectual synergy that drew Blaise to Amelia. She had always been lovely, of course, but it was in their sixth year that she truly blossomed into something extraordinary.

Over the summer, Amelia underwent a transformation. Her once-ordinary features were now suffused with a newfound allure which captivated almost every boy that saw her, including Blaise.

He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. A flame that he believed threatened to burn him should he ever decide to try and be more than friends with her. Despite his reservations, despite the fear of jeopardizing their friendship, Blaise found himself falling for Amelia, falling harder and faster than he ever thought possible.

With each passing day, his feelings for her grew stronger, until he could no longer deny the truth that lay buried within his heart: he was utterly and irrevocably smitten with her.

As he received his grade on his latest assignment from Professor McGonagall, Blaise couldn't help but smile.

He cherished their study sessions with an intensity that bordered on obsession. To him, those late-night rendezvous in the dimly lit corners of the library or the cozy confines of Amelia's dormitory were more than just opportunities to review textbooks and revise notes. They were moments of pure magic, as their flirtatious banter filled the air and their fingers brushed against each other in fleeting moments of intimacy.

Blaise decided that it was time to tell Amelia how he really felt. He arrived at her dorm and took a deep breath before finally knocking on the door.

"Come in," Amelia called out.

"Check it out, ladies!" Blaise exclaimed as he walked in, brandishing the parchment like a victory banner.

Amelia looked up from her spot at the desk, a stack of textbooks spread out before her. Blaise watched as her face lit up with genuine joy at his arrival. "You did it, Blaise! I knew our late-night study sessions would pay off."

With a soft smile, Amelia rose from her seat and walked over to Blaise, enveloping him in a big hug. He cherished her hugs, finding them to be both warm and comforting.

Pansy, reclining on her bed with a book, smirked, "Well, color me impressed, Zabini. Didn't think I'd live to see the day when you actually put in some effort."

"Don't worry, Parkinson, I'll try not to let my newfound work ethic ruin my reputation as a slacker extraordinaire," Blaise shot back as he casually made himself comfortable on Amelia's bed.

"Slacker?" Amelia questioned. "What are you talking about? Anytime we work together, you always do well."

"Be that as it may, love, I've come to realize that I only tend to do well when I have the pleasure of working with you. And I do mean pleasure in every sense of the word."

Amelia blushes at Blaise's bold words, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue as she meets his gaze. His playful smile sends a flutter through her chest. She offers a shy smile of her own, "Well, I must say, you do make studying quite enjoyable, Blaise."

"Then, how about you and I take a trip over to Hogsmeade and celebrate?" Blaise's bold suggestion hangs in the air, his eyes sparkling with playful intent as he waits for Amelia's response. "We can talk about study habits for McGonagall's upcoming test," he adds, his tone infused with flirtation, hinting at more than just academic discussions.

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