Ch. 3, Punishment

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Upon closing the doors, she made her excursion up the stacks of wooden stairs, once again. She never could recall being an athletic girl, unfortunately that same fact now contributed to her empty lungs which were nearly gasping for air.

She walked into the room, less groggily than she came out minutes prior. Her head was still pounding and the sickly feeling was still roaming her body, but she declared to push through it.

Calliope dug into the large trunk that was sat at the end of her bed frame, trying to find any decent clothes. After what felt like minutes of digging, she pulled out a pair of normal, blue jeans and a simple maroon long-sleeved top. "Perfect," she whispered to herself as to not wake the sleeping dragon of a girl across from her.

Once, gathering her clothes, she grabbed a towel and made a beeline for the communal bathroom on her level.

As per her expectation, the bathroom was completely empty. She sighed and began to run a bath, occasionally checking the temperature of the water.

The tub was officially full and she allowed herself to gently sink down in the practically perfect temperature, a small moan leaving her mouth.

Cal, washed her hair and body, taking care of her needs before she realized the temperature of the bath had promptly cooled and the steam which once took over the area around the tub had dispersed.

She lifted her body out of the tub, wasting no time to get out of the chilly water and run the towel over her goosebump covered body. Calliope put on her clothes, brushed her teeth, and casted a much needed drying spell on her hair.

Thankfully, years of practicing the spell paid off and she hadn't singed half the length of her hair off-- unlike the incident in third year.

The girl patted her puffy face and rubbed her forehead, trying to escape the slight pain that still slightly emerged. After one more look to the mirror, she nodded and exited the stuffy washroom.

She checked the large clock on the wall of the common room before exiting, it read two o'clock. She had some time to kill before six when she had to meet the Marauders.

Perhaps she could go to James's practice, or maybe she could go to the library and find Remus? She would've guessed where Sirius might be as well, but if she was being honest, she didn't quite have a guess she was confident about--despite knowing the long-haired boy for years.

She headed down to the library first.

After a direct march to her first destination, she opened the doors and began to quiet her footsteps so as to not disturb anybody.

Calliope took cursory glances towards the isles and seating areas. She couldn't find her tall target, so she tried her luck with the top section. Still nothing.

Calliope carried her body out of the library and headed towards the quidditch pitch to find her second target.

The warm air hit her clothed arms gently as the sun beamed down upon her head. She quickly made her way to the pitch, finding it unexpectedly full.

People actually found enjoyment in watching the practices?

Despite her Ravenclaw origins, Calliope decided to sit in the Gryffindor stands, hoping to attract the attention of James Potter.

She took the spot of the highest row and was then placed behind two familiar Gryffindor girls,  Alice Fortescue and Lily Evans. Neither of them had noticed the Ravenclaw.

It would be an exaggeration to call Calliope and any of the Gryffindor girls friends--Well, except for Marlene. Marlene and Calliope had formed a friendship almost immediately after Sirius had introduced them in third year.

My Marauders // J.P. , R.L. , S.B //Where stories live. Discover now