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In the heart of a town veiled in mystery and forgotten by time, Karma, a girl with piercing brown eyes and locks as dark as the secrets she sought to uncover, found herself entangled in a tale as old and as chilling as the mansion at the end of Willow Lane. Her partner in this perilous journey was none other than Joker, a boy whose green eyes mirrored the tumultuous storms of their quest, and whose affinity for the thrill of the chase was matched only by his prowess on a motorcycle and in the boxing ring.

The duo was drawn together by more than just fate; it was the unsolved murder of a girl a decade prior, whose spirit was said to roam the decrepit halls of her once-grand abode, manifesting corporeally for two fleeting weeks each year. The townsfolk whispered of her return, a somber reminder of justice denied, her story a specter hanging over the town's consciousness.

Karma&Joker:Finding the truthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ